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  • Hi Ben

    I respect your views, and respect your work, you also shared with me. I certainly would feel sad it it this degenerated into ships in the night. my two personal emails are
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Don't want to lose touch, and really liked your images, they were very serene, and peaceful.
    Mob rule is always dangerous. I do not believe in justice althought if I pray for anything, it is ultimate justice.
    Your friend
    Philip Goldberg
    I need the equivalent in space of (22) 20" x 24" prints. If they are larger then we need less for example in September I am showing an artist whose photographs are mostly 30"x40" so we will only be able to accomodate between 8 and 10 total. I trust this gives you an idea. The show is one month long, and it is an exhibition only, however most of our artists end up selling from the show. Sorry I had to cut it twice so some of this got left in the ether. What we do is give an interested buyer your contact information and it is a direct purchase between artist and collector. What I would think, our normal PR package would be expanded to the local synagogues, there 5-6 in the area. Not that other people might not be interested, but I personally am very touched by the work and I would think that others will be also. Joe Finkleman normally loquacious, cut to a 1000 letters.
    My work e-mail, where I like to keep track of my work correspondance is [email protected]. If you go to our website or just Google Davis cemetery district you can see what we have done and what we are doing. What I have lined up in 2012 is five shows so far but other than August and October which are fixed group shows, the schedule is open, so we would just need to pick a month that is convenient to you for 2012. Joe Finkleman
    Your Jeurusalam series is equisite. I wish you lived closer to Norethern California, I would invite you to show this series at the gallery. I run a small non-profit in Davis CA, I am really quite taken with the series. Beautiful work. Joe

    I mailed your print of the relaxing Rabbi yesterday.

    I included a color one of mine just for kicks.

    Take care removing them from the tube ... it was a tight fit.


    would you give me the mailing address for the prints again please.

    I somehow misplaced it on my computer and can't find it again.

    I did them today, and it took three tries to get the cat picture done.

    The paper I used is double weight rag and i'm not sure I can roll them for a tube. I'll try it on one of the cull prints.

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