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  1. T

    Gibellini DCG66 Pre Order Launch Edition Announced

    Not sure what is going on here, but notably, there is mentioned a gc lens mount, and the image shows a trigger button. Might be a bit more than just as pure mechanical adapter between a lens and a back.
  2. T

    Leaf shutter lens adapter possible?

    It might also be possible to develop a curtain type shutter in a (albeit huge) adapter, I'd assume. It is all a question of ressources. But I would find it more helpful to develop intelligent adapters for existing leaf shutter lenses, first and foremost, due to their fully electronic control...
  3. T

    IQ 60MP VS 100MP (color comparison only)

    I would assume that differences in colour can also depend on the dyes used for the Bayer filters. The more confined to a small frequency range of light these are, the larger the gamut that can be calculated. This has nothing to do with CMOS vs CCD. But since there has always been a crying for...
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    Hasselblad XV Lens Adapter Questions

    ok, sad to hear. For you, and the community of Rollei users.
  5. T

    Hasselblad XV Lens Adapter Questions

    Time flies....Have you made some progress in regards to an active Rollei adapter for HB XCD?
  6. T

    Growing concern over availability of XCD (older style) and New V lenses

    and what about this one in Madrid, ES:
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    Growing concern over availability of XCD (older style) and New V lenses

    and from the same distrbutor, another DJI store in Vienna, AT, to open today. And I bet will soon be expanded to Hasselblad:
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    Growing concern over availability of XCD (older style) and New V lenses

    and yet another one in Frankfurt, DE:
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    Growing concern over availability of XCD (older style) and New V lenses

    found it. They state 2 more to come this year, London, Regent street, and Manchester, Market street.
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    Growing concern over availability of XCD (older style) and New V lenses

    Even though I generally do not agree to Paul's assumption that Hasselblad is now chinese and DJI, I do agree with him that recently, DJI seems to have taken over a significant command over the distribution of HB products. Just look at all those DJI/HB prestige stores in China, other far east...
  11. T

    Resolution between digital and analog photographic Pictures

    a couple of years ago I tried a guestimate, and given several assumptions, I ended up with about 16 MP for a fine grain slice film in 35 mm film type. Apparently much more than the estimates given in the DPREVIEW discussion. Black and white film will give a higher resolution, there was even a...
  12. T

    Digital medium format in 2024 – it's not dead!

    Most medium format camera systems are already gone. Pentax 645, Pentax 67, Contax 645, Hasselblad H, V, Mamiya RB, RZ, 6, Kiev 88cm, Praktisix, Kowa, Bronica GS, SQ, ETR, RF645. The remaining manufacturers are all cross financed, as a hobby, it seems to me: -Hasselblad could only successfully...
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    Digital medium format in 2024 – it's not dead!

    The situation with the "Made in...." designation according to the Madrid arrangement seems to be complicated (the original arrangement is from the end of the 19th century, when global supply chains hardly existed), but it can be said that is is general agreement (and often law in countries)...
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    Digital medium format in 2024 – it's not dead!

    what Sinar patents could Leica benefit from, as a manufaturer of range finder and EVF cameras? I believe that Kaufmann had hoped for more synergistic effects with the Sinar digial back, but apparently, neither this nor the S3 were a success (unfortunately).
  15. T

    Hasselblad CFV 100C Update

    it goes without saying that, while Solectric is listed on the Hasselblad website (they are located somewhere else, not Oberhausen) as distributor, they up to know did not put this store in the list. They really need a better website management.
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    Hasselblad CFV 100C Update

    14, plus one in Hong Kong and one in Bangkok:
  17. T

    Digital medium format in 2024 – it's not dead!

    There is no doubt that larger sensor are technically possible, and have been done even in the past (I believe I remember a photographer who has ordered a bespoken large format sensor, priced like a house, 12 megapixel monochrome). But the costs are too high for "normal" photographers, and, as...
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    Digital medium format in 2024 – it's not dead!

    It is my impression that without a major breakthrough in the MANUFACTURING of sensors, we will not see much progress. Here is why. -The abilility of silicon to absorb photons and produce electrons from this is limited. It is a surface effect, and hence, the larger the surface of a pixel, the...
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    Any info on the UniQ/C system?

    you have probably seen the official website? little information and I have the impression that the idea is pretty much dead. Manfrotto, Sachtler, Gitzo, Sirui never joined.
  20. T

    Good free photo editing programs

    Again for Apple users, you might also want to have a look at Hasselblad's Phocus, which handles all raw formats that MacOS also supports.