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  1. A

    Fun with MF images 2024

    A few from recent hike around Derwent water in Lake District, UK. All with Phase One 645 DF+ and Kodak ProBack 645.
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    I think referring to bits here is a bit misleading - it is mostly reference to scanniong equipment capabilities and nothing more. Drum scanners can extract with way better digital "bit" resolution than say flatbeds. With digital sensors, ADC resolution is relevant until it starts to exceed the...
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    I was asking since I don't quite understood the comment. I presume you were talking about x4 multiplication to bring 14 bit to 16 just like Matt said above.
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    Film, unlike digital had nonlinear behavior especially in toe and shoulder areas and DR stops are not necessarily translated to bitsize of digital capture
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    Controlled lighting (LED these days I presume) and some target or even newspaper would do with various exposure compensations to see if there is a difference in shadows/highlights. True, nothing will be exactly identical but it will do for the experiment sake.
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    You need to compare the difference between 16 bit and scaled 14 bit to the noise floor to deduce if this “information” is of any use. Anyway - it’s been enough said here to do all experiments anyone needs to decide for themselves
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    Not necessarily true. A lot depends on sensor driving circuitry. You only have to look in the old days at Kodak sensors used by Phase One in Pnn+ backs and other back manufacturers including Kodak - Phase One driving curcuitry was exemplary of minimising noise and achieving up to an hour long...
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    The speed of conversion does not matter - what matters is accuracy of comparison between the two (that is the goal here isn't it?). I don't think it's as simple as multiplying by 4 - what you need is take white point which is usually close to max bit value but not necessarily is max for each...
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    14bit and 16bit to compare - to reduce the chances of integer arithmetic induced errors (14bit may be is stored in 16bit integer unpacked but it is still 14 bit max value so it needs to be scaled)
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    If it would be me, I would convert both 14 bit image and 16 bit one (if the camera does both) shot at the same tightly controlled conditions with the same lens and exposure using floating point conversions (LibRaw or RPP or something along those lines) into linear 16 bit TIFF (no WB or colour...
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    16 bit vs. 14 bit - what's the difference?

    Anybody with electronics design experience will attest to this - true high bit ADC done at high speed are incredibly difficult to design well (and 16 and more bits do fall into that area). And all these sensors do have ADC convertors baked into the sensor or ASIC supporting pipeline. Properly...
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    Fun with MF images 2024

    I never said anything about liking or not liking it but there was a claim that they are not blown out - they are, whether intentionally or not. Thanks for rubbing mistyped mistakes in my face as well as I am sure you never mistyped anything...
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    Fun with MF images 2024

    They appear totally overexposed - my Phostoshop shows histogram way overblown (per channel histogram is pretty much the same). But I don't need even photoshop - last few images when viewed in colour controlled browser show up way overexposed with very washed out colours. Perhaps it was...
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    IPhone Photos

    One from yesterday
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    IPhone Photos

    A few from yesterday
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    IPhone Photos

    A few from today
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    IPhone Photos

    A few more recent ones:
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    IPhone Photos

    A few recent ones from Canterbury, UK (cathedral and city):