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  1. N

    X-Pro3 firmware update 2021

    So I just heard about a Pro3 update. It is called 1.20. So what it is supposed to do is when using the OVF and the focus field shifts for paralax correction it stays there in the correct position until the framing is changed. Makes sense and is exactly what would happen with say a Leica...
  2. N

    New stuff from Fuji--update to lens road map and new camera (X Summit)

    So X-T3 firmware update? Not compatible with an XPro3? I'd love to hear it is. It oughta be. 18mm 1.4/????!? Neil
  3. N

    Are the Epsons really as bad as the reviews?

    All excellent reviews and I thank you for them. I've been home now, the virus and all and I've been going through boxes of prints. Some I keep and the rest I "shred" in the fire pit. I have to say I'm still satisfied with what the old 2200 did especially with the Quad Tone RIP. I'm sure any...
  4. N

    C1 help, paid for an upgrade but I don't have an upgrade

    Pegelli, Yes I've been to that area but it said no upgrades were possible. So what I finally did was deactivate the version I had. Then the reactivation was a problem because it refused to let me sign in. I finally got past that and entered the new code. Then finaly the new version...
  5. N

    C1 help, paid for an upgrade but I don't have an upgrade

    So the title may be confusing. I've been using the free Express version of C1 for Fuji cameras. It is kind of stripped down. I decided to take advantage of the sale. I paid for and downloaded the Capture One 20 Fujifilm version which by their own description is more full featured. Did the...
  6. N

    PS CC latest version terribly slow

    Well it isn't actually the latest version that's the problem but even the 2018 release it seems. I don't use PS at all really. I only use it to use a plugin called "Sharpen4Web" that my brother who I do some side work for likes. I get NEF images that are shot from a D750 Nikon and the last...
  7. N


    Oh it's very true that some Fuji lenses are large. Some of the large ones I want. The 50-140 is superb, the 90 is great. They are almost DSLR large. But I have the option with the Fuji of the 23/35/50 tiny lens set. I HAVE that option. The other systems?, my Nikon?, no such option...
  8. N

    Are the Epsons really as bad as the reviews?

    So my last printer was an Epson 2200. Right, an old printer. I was fine with the output, very satisfied. The kids moved back in for a few years and I lost my office and printer room. That was 8 years ago. How can someone who spent decades (since the 60's) making silver and then digital...
  9. N


    Well I've been reading along. I am not really the Xt4 customer at this time but hey, why not comment. Size vs FF options.......I've had Z6/7 cameras in hand and an XH1 is pretty much the same size as a friend who owns a Z7 can attest, that is until you add a lens. The F2 primes from Fuji...
  10. N


    In camera 16 bit tiffs? I've done a few in my Pro3. 161mb files!!!! And to be able to keep Fuji's in camera implementations of profiles and Clarity etc, very cool. Very LARGE. There a a few Xt-4 things I hope jump to the Pro3. I would guess what the add to the Xt-3 would/should be...
  11. N


    I'm surprised to see it still has a D-Pad. Neil
  12. N

    The X-Pro3

    So do you guys have as much trouble as I do getting the phone and camera to pair to download and then load the firmware, or do anything Bluetooth for that matter? I know I can load the firmware to a card but I've done it this way before. The Bluetooth connection is always hit or miss...
  13. N

    The X-Pro3

    OK so I will do the new update. Funny sorta story...... I had my Pro3 for a week (this was December before Christmas) or so and all of a sudden the EVF went super bright. What the hell I thought! I turned it off and on, battery check etc etc... I'm pretty sure even the optical finder and...
  14. N

    Capture One 20, which version? Pro or Fuji?

    So I shoot Nikon and Fujifilm cameras. Which C1 to get? Do I lose features of the Fuji version if I have the Pro version? Vice versa? I've searched their FAQ and haven't found an answer. I currently use LR and Exposure 5. I've been dabbling in the free C1 Express for Fuji. Thanks Neil
  15. N

    Using "Classic Negative" simulation in LR

    Right, I had no Eterna in LR for my Pro2 but I did for my XH, now the same with the Pro3, I have Classic Neg but not for the XH. Surely that could be sorted out by Adobe or Capture One? I find I like the Classic Neg with these settings.........Highlight -1 or -2, Shadow -1 or -2, Color -2...
  16. N

    Using "Classic Negative" simulation in LR

    PTOMSU Right, I made few changes to the RAW file after clicking the LR "Classic Neg" camera matching preset pulldown. I am pretty sure for these shots I had the settings on camera at all "0" as far as sharpen highlight and shadow go. The reducing of the LR default sharpen of 40 made the...
  17. N

    Using "Classic Negative" simulation in LR

    Classic neg samples. Two of images are the OOC Jpg and the RAF converted to Classic Neg in LR with the LR preset. The third and different image is the OOC RAF file for comparison All shot with the Pro3 and 50-140 lens wide open at ISO 2000 As the appear on screen from top to bottom Camera...
  18. N

    Using "Classic Negative" simulation in LR

    Anyone tried it? You must of course at this point have an X-Pro3 since it isn't an option on RAF's from other cameras. When/if Fuji offers it on the X-T3/30 it is really very very close to the in camera JPG recipe. I've done a couple of jpg/RAF side by sides and I had to make very slight...
  19. N

    The X-Pro3

    Well the images are a ton sharper than the appear here. What are the best specs for uploads? Longest side dimensions? Tips please? I just did an Instagram size export from Exposure 5 Too small no doubt Thanks Neil
  20. N

    The X-Pro3

    Darr, I don't get it about the ISO dial either but I'm in my 60's and I remember when that was the way every camera was. Being a Fuji you can dedicate another dial to doing the ISO changing. Auto ISO is very good though in lots of instances so I do use that sometimes. For decades I...