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Search results

  1. T

    FS: Cambo Actus II Sony FE or Canon EF kit

    Do you still have your Actus system for sale? Are you selling individual pieces? Thanks.
  2. T

    Which Zeiss lenses can be used on Pentax 645D

    Would certainly agree with this post. A35 and A120 macro are superb lenses. 45-85 is good at low end particularly. The availability of great legacy glass is a huge asset. There are some clunkers though.
  3. T

    Which Zeiss lenses can be used on Pentax 645D

    Carl Zeiss Jena lenses for Pentagon Six are easily adapted to the Pentax 645. Adapters are available. I have most of them. The CZJ 180 is a fantastic lens. The 120 is also nice. I like the drawing of the 50. Just bought an 80 I did not try yet. Classic 'Blad lenses also adapt. Notable is...
  4. T

    GX 680III Update

    Have to agree with you there. I found a pristine one some time ago and have acquired a full complement of lenses, 50-500. A dime on the dollar. The movements on every lens is what makes this so much fun. And there is still something about film. 30x40's look great. I am sure the day is...
  5. T

    Clearly this could only appear in the Sunset Bar

    Glad to see our profession has been elevated to this status: Picture this: Casey Anthony now a pro photographer
  6. T

    New custom DNG profile for Pentax 645z

    After some difficulty finding the appropriate Mac folder, I just inserted my username into the line and dropped it into a Spotlight search. The folder opened right up and I dropped the profiles in. A big improvement over standard or embedded profiles that are the default.
  7. T

    New custom DNG profile for Pentax 645z

    Thanks so much. The Adobe profile is not good at all. Excuse my ignorance, but how can I load this into Lightroom? Do I need the same software you used?
  8. T

    Prints on Matte Fine-Art Papers Flaking / Flecking / Specks - Solution?

    The cause is definitely tiny particles of the paper clinging to the roll. The ink sprays onto the particle instead of the paper. Then the particle falls off. The best solution is to find the least troublesome papers and stick with those. We use Canson Arches Aquarelle and Hahnemuhle German...
  9. T

    Watch photography - my journey so far

    Your images here are much more appealing than the ones on the manufacturer's site. I enjoyed reading about your process.
  10. T

    New lens lineup for the A7rII

    I was going to hold off on the rII because I saw it as a marginal upgrade. Looks like Quentin is going to cost me about $3k with his images. I won't be leaving my current lineup of lenses. Zeiss 15, 28, 50 macro, 85 and 100 macro in Canon mount. Canon FD 400 2.8. Minolta 50 1.2. Meyer...
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    Fun With Sony Cameras

    Re: Fun with sony A7RII images Quentin What conclusions can you draw so far about the camera? Just going by the megapixel count, we should not see much improvement in resolution. Your images seem to show a big resolution gain. How about in dynamic range compared to the A7r?
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    Fun With Sony Cameras

    Re: Fun with sony A7RII images These exceed my expectations. Thanks so much for taking time to post these.
  13. T

    Sony A7R with Mamiya 645 lens comparisons

    I am wondering what you thought on your tests. Is the 55 a lot sharper than the Mamiya 50? I bought the same Fotodiox unit and tested with a Hassy lens. My thoughts were that something was gained in the stitching process but that my Zeiss (Canon mount) lenses on the Sony were superior to the...
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    US 20010053617 A1

    The writer could not pass a basic English class. That much is certain.
  15. T

    SOLD; Sony 16-35 F4 and Minolta 200mm 2.8 HS

    Re: FS: Sony 16-35 F4 and Minolta 200mm 2.8 HS Guy is grandfathered.
  16. T

    FS: Sony 24-240mm FE lens LNIB

    Curious why you are selling. Can't you just return it if you don't like it?
  17. T

    Favorite rolling bag for Sony system

    Think Tank rolling bags have a design that gives you much more usable depth than other brands. I have a ridiculous amount of equipment in mine, including a Canon 400 2.8. I have two bodies and probably about 15 lenses in there.
  18. T

    FS:/Metabones IV/ Canon 1.4 Extender

    Re: FS: Canon 24mm TSE/Metabones IV/ 1.4 Extender It's because no one here ever heard of you. They don't trust newbies.
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    FS:/Metabones IV/ Canon 1.4 Extender

    Re: FS: Canon 24mm TSE/Metabones IV/ 1.4 Extender I bought Guy's 17 TSE. Good guy to deal with. I think he may be the #1 rated seller on this site!
  20. T

    How many camera "systems" do you maintain?

    I may have also forgotten the Hermagis Eidoscope #3 in mint condition that I just had S.K. Grimes adapt to Linhof. I may have forgotten a few other items as well, but don't tell my wife.