I never stopped shooting film (Oh that’s a slight lie, there was a period from around 2006-2009 where I didn’t shoot any film after thinking digital was all that mattered) But as time has worn on I’ve become less and less interested in digital. It’s not so much the files or even the process. It’s the cameras themselves. There are of course a couple models that do interest me and I would enjoy using those, but I am just so tired of the perpetual obsolescence. I get far more joy from just shooting film today and since I no longer work as a professional photographer, it doesn’t particularly matter what method I use.
I will likely forever be a hybrid, but I suppose until I can use the systems that really interest me, I just get no JOY from shooting digital cameras (save for oddballs like the Ricoh GR). The technology is undeniably impressive, but I just feel so disconnected from the tool itself. Too removed from the process.
I really do blame a lot of what I’m feeling lately on the state of the world, I’ve had too much time to think stuck indoors and I’ve become so negative towards so many companies. Even though I know they’re just trying to do all they can to survive.
Sorry for the pessimistic rant, might not even make much sense. It’s just how my brain feels these days.