Steve Hendrix
Well-known member
I will say this about the test - and all the flak CI caught - it is very time consuming and difficult to do apples to apples testing. Very much so. And usually unrewarding, as it will be picked apart and faulted. I don't post tests for this reason, and because it doesn't really tell a complete story. And shooting some subject matter - you could find the 1DS-MKIII closer in IQ to a MFDB. But certainly this test does show that some images will certainly be very obviously inferior. But...we already knew that, didn't we?The deal of the day has to be Phase One's offer of a P45+, Mamiya AFDII, 80mm lens AND the new 28mm digital lens ($5294 for this lens at B&H) for a few dollars under $30K. But then a new Mamiya body is coming out very soon so this may be just a way to clear out inventory of AFDIIs.
Also, I have to butt in with another "Deal of the Day":
Hasselblad H3DII-39 with choice of ANY lens (28mm - 300mm) and $3,000 off through the end of the year, umm, I mean next Monday. Puts you under $30K as well.
Steve Hendrix