I tried Amaze+VNG4. Also VNG4 works. Line noise filter horizontally with Green Equilibration almost cleaned stripes away. PDAF filter had no effect. I also got clean light gray picture without stripes assigning flat field file as LCC correction file to itself.One curious thing. When applying the H/B LCC (supplied by Warren) to itself in Raw Therapee, you get the expected uniform image - basically something that looks like the sheet of white plastic used to capture the LCC in camera (as you'd expect). You also see this in C1 when applying an LCC to itself (but not a H/B LCC ). But in Phocus when I try the same thing (and I'm new to Phocus, so forgive me if I've missed something), while the image is generally uniform, it does nothing with the banding. It's like it doesn't see it. Oddly, going back to RT, after selecting 'horizontal' as the blur type, you can switch back to 'area', 'vertical', or 'vertical + horizontal' and the banding seems to remain hidden; it's like RT finds the file a bit confusing as well. I wonder if this issue ultimately has to do with the way the file is being written out in camera. Hmm. (BTW, FYI I've been using the AMaZE demosaicing method in RT throughout).
BTW. Is it possible to manage how you assign Lcc file in Phocus or Capture One? Is there something called Dust removing or cleaning. If it exists I think it's the same thing as zero blur at Therapee and so worth of trying.
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