And now for a completely unfair experiment. I'm here in my evening Bad Light from Hell™ living room with both cameras and I'm taking similar pictures of Soup. I'm going to show the "Imported into LR" and "Good enough" versions and what it took to get them there.
S3, 120/2.5, f/2.5, 1/60, ISO 6400
Actions needed: White balance of chest. Adjust levels. Vignette.
And with the X2D, 135/2.8, f/2.8, 1/60, ISO 6400
BTW, that was auto white balance as shot, and Phocus brought it in the same.
Actions needed: White balance of chest, adjust levels, increase clarity, turn down sharpness, increase yellow luminance and saturation, adjust local clarity, vignette.
Those extra steps took a long time, but can now be saved as a (hopefully useful) preset.
The X2D file came through much flatter, hence the clarity adjustments, but it was also more sharpened by default. The Yellow adjustments were to match the Leica image - One can argue who should be matching whom here. Here's the X2D file after white balance and levels:
This is obviously better for someone who wants a starting point where everything is visible. I tend to like Leica's defaults - it has made me lazy.
(The slight green cast to Soup's fur on the Hassy file only shows up on the web. I've tried setting profiles to srgb, but I must be messing something up. It doesn't affect the Leica jpgs.)
Oh, there's one more difference between these files, and it's not simply focus. The shutter speeds are 1/60 second. IBIS for the win!
Yes, that's my CD collection just left of center.
Four out of five ophthalmologists recommend the Hasselblad X2D!