Hi All. I have an X2D that I love with a bunch of XCD lenses (20-35, 25v, 28P, 45P, 55v, 90v, 120, and 135). I also have a Leica Q3, but to be honest I nearly always reach for the X2D. I am thinking about selling the Q3, and am wondering if it's worth picking up a second X2D body (I'll probably buy it used or trade with someone if they wanted to swap for my Q3).
My main use case would be being able to keep two different lenses on two bodies so I would not have to switch out lenses as often, especially in bad weather or when hiking (or even in the city). Secondary use would be as a backup in case something happened to my main body (which luckily it hasn't yet).
I am using it mainly for landscape and urban photography and occasional travel, as well as in my home studio for still life photography. I'm not a commercial photographer and don't shoot events or anything, so it's not like it's an absolute must for my business.
I would be curious to hear people's thoughts about how useful they find having a second body is. Is just a mild "nice to have," or do you find it really great to have that added flexibility?
My main use case would be being able to keep two different lenses on two bodies so I would not have to switch out lenses as often, especially in bad weather or when hiking (or even in the city). Secondary use would be as a backup in case something happened to my main body (which luckily it hasn't yet).
I am using it mainly for landscape and urban photography and occasional travel, as well as in my home studio for still life photography. I'm not a commercial photographer and don't shoot events or anything, so it's not like it's an absolute must for my business.
I would be curious to hear people's thoughts about how useful they find having a second body is. Is just a mild "nice to have," or do you find it really great to have that added flexibility?