I doubt you get much shift movement out of that arrangement due to the body flange to sensor cave. ;- ) right ? Also, 35 isn't very wide IMO so the GFX + any view camera type lens is useless for any wide angle shooting, especially if needing shift.John and I are using similar outfits based on the Arca-Swiss F-Universalis and GFX 100S cameras. The only lenses I'm using that needs an LCC frame is the S-K APO-Digitar 35mm f/5.6. And it only needs it for light falloff because colour cast is not something I'm seeing due to the BSI sensor in the GFX 100S. When I forget to use an LCC frame, I can fix light falloff if necessary in Lightroom.
You can spend a Land Rover's worth of money on this if you want to use digital view cameras and technical cameras, but that's a choice. There are reasonably priced options galore.
What I would want ideally is 4x5 coverage, or at least 6x12, from a lens not needing a bunch of post BS to make it work. I'd want to turn a 33x44 digital back into portrait, then overlap stitch for a 1:2 proportion which is only about 44x88 but in reality the lens needs to have a larger image circle for quality in the capture zone. Even then, the 30mm GF TS lens can almost do that right on it's own LCC issue-free body.
I'm probably just mentally stuck wanting a digital version of what used to be the gold standard. I don't have a drum scanner as I missed that window of opportunity when they were dumped by all the pro labs but I do have the Nikon "Super Coolscan 9000 ED" which is about the next best thing for 120 film.