I was hoping everyone could recommend some website hosts that you've had experience with. In the past I used Format, which never really worked out; it looked good though. I did all I could with SEO there, but clients most often found me by locating the profile I had on Model Mayhem (deleted a couple years ago). I recently tried Square space and didn't care for it much. The images appeared soft when uploaded and the sizes would would change or be cropped. I never figured out the image size problem in the galleries and the images in the storefront were always cropped. The soft look after uploading was fixable by applying a good amount of sharpening to the uploaded jpg's.
All-in-all, what has worked for all of you?
At the present moment I'm concentrating on art galleries and fine art limited prints. I'm still feeling out portraiture and commercial work.
All-in-all, what has worked for all of you?
At the present moment I'm concentrating on art galleries and fine art limited prints. I'm still feeling out portraiture and commercial work.