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Canon 5D Mark III announced, your thoughts


New member
So much fun to read everyone's opinions. I currently shoot a 5DII and previously spent many years happily owning Nikon bodies. I occasionally stray to small bodies for fun.

My only real complaints about the 5DII was the terrible autofocus system and a little bit of jealousy about Nikons ability to focus in lower light and get a little better low light ISO performance.

The Nikon D800 sounds great but Canon fixed exactly the things I and many others complained about. Somehow I don't see anything wrong with that. I pre-ordered the MKIII.

While we can discuss this all day the end game is how much we like our own results. This is a photo taken last week with my 5DII and the old 24-70. I like it.



Active member
IPersonally, I'd rather pull my teeth with rusty pliers than shoot landscapes with a 35mm DSLR. Takes all kinds to make the world go around doesn't it? :)

It's a funny old world -me and landscape; give me a tripod and some time and I can only produce cliches.

Give me a second and a 35mm and sometimes I get it right. Occasionally even interesting.


Well-known member
My only real complaints about the 5DII was the terrible autofocus system and a little bit of jealousy about Nikons ability to focus in lower light and get a little better low light ISO performance.

The Nikon D800 sounds great but Canon fixed exactly the things I and many others complained about. Somehow I don't see anything wrong with that. I pre-ordered the MKIII.
I really hope the new 5D3 autofocus system works as sure to let us know what you think of it, when you've had some time to work with the 5D3.



Workshop Member
I totally get you. There is nothing here for people who are currently with other systems. I think every new camera should bring that to the table. I mean wouldn't that just be so much fun! With the anxiety to change systems every time a new camera is launched! Kidding aside, I don't shoot above ISO800, and if I had to, I feel like I've done something terrible :)
Understand and agree!

But you should know that I am (was) currently on the spot to jump into a new system, as I have sold all my old stuff. Actually I was hoping to be convinced by the 5D3, but if I compare it to the D800 (E) I am not. And should I really need higher ISO then the D4 would do the job pretty nicely for just a bit more money than the 5D3 costs.

Too bad actually, because I would have loved to use some of the really excellent Canon L glass, especially high speed primes.


Well-known member
There have been some interesting posts on the LuLa forms showing some of the results of the 25K ISO settings which show some very good results. I don't think I would ever use the 25K setting, but to me it lends credence to the fact that the ISO 800 to 3200 now may be very very good on the 5D MKIII. Here is a link:
Canon 5D Mark III @ ISO 25,600

Both of my 5D MKII's seem to top out at ISO 1600 most times with 3200 being a push.

Did anyone see if Canon has announced a grip/base like they have for the 5D MKII that holds 2 batteries and if the same batteries from the 5DMKII work in the MKIII?

As for Uwe's question on lenses. I am hoping that the following will work,
14mm II F2.8
16-35mm F2.8 especially in the 16mm to 24mm range
24-105 F4 which has become my main lens to carry in the field
100-400 F5.6 my main wildlife lens

I like the new features that I have read about, especially the new metering and AF points. I tend to agree with others on the price point being a bit high and it will be interesting to see if this settles down more in the 3.1K range. i have read a bit about the sensor on the MKIII and it appears to be a totally new design, not a refreshed MKII sensor. My main wish would be for Canon to create a E model like Nikon (no AA filter).

It is tempting to sell my 1D MKIV now and order a MKIII



Did anyone see if Canon has announced a grip/base like they have for the 5D MKII that holds 2 batteries and if the same batteries from the 5DMKII work in the MKIII?
The mkIII uses the same LP-E6 batteries as the mkII and 7D.

Not only have they announced a grip, but the grip mounts the two batteries in a tray that slides in from the end like a 1-series. This means the grip should actually be comfortable to hold instead of feeling like gripping a 2x4. They also have included a multi-controller so you have all the same controls whether shooting horizontal or vertical. On the downside, it got a price bump like the body did. B&H has it for $350 but MSRP is something like $500.


On Canon not increasing megapixels, this is what I think: They know their sensor technology is behind what is offered by the competition. If they get their butts chewed for banding, noise at low iso and less DR, imagine how those sensors would perform at 32, 36 or 40 mp. They know it is better now to improve other things rather than increasing MP count which only would worsen the symptoms of their now obsolete sensor technology. Even they're having a really hard time trying to match Nikon AF performance. I'm sure they are working on a new complete sensor technology to be competitive again. This is not to endorse Canon but the opposite. If I'm at least partly right, this shows nothing but negligence from the management or big screw-ups from the RD department. Other possible cause, they focused too much on video and became careless about the real thing of them: Still photography.


Well-known member
Any thoughts on how well the 5D3 will work with manual focus lenses and the standard, non-replaceable focusing screen? I don't expect to buy any Zeiss MF lenses, but I do have a nice collection of Leica R lenses that I was hoping to use now and then. I really haven't used my Leica R lenses much on my current crop of Canon DSLRs (40D, 5D, 7D, 1D2), so I would appreciate any thoughts from folks here who have more experience in this area.



Well-known member
First impressions.....the camera feels really good in hand, solid, a little beefier than the 5D or 5D2. Based on 15 images taken.....they look very good, better than my 5D or 7D for sure.

There is just one very annoying thing (for me).....the shutter sounds like crap. "Tinny" is the word which best describes it, much worse than my 5D, which I thought was bad enough. I compared it directly with my 40D, 5D and 7D.....the 5D3 sounds worst of all. I didn't even bother comparing it with my 1D Mk2....which sounds like a real pro camera should (as does my Nikon D2x).

Some will say if the images look good, who cares what the shutter sounds like? Fair enough. But for me personally, I wonder now if I won't cringe every time I press the shutter button.....subconsciously thinking "what a piece of crap". In my opinion, Canon should send the team who designs the 5D series shutters back to the drawing boards. No camera costing $3,500 should sound this "cheap" every time the user presses the shutter release.

Just my opinion of course.....maybe I'm obsessive-compulsive about this sort of thing. Others might think it's no big deal.

Violated my own rule to never buy a camera when it is first released......I won't make that mistake again.

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First impressions.....the camera feels really good in hand, solid, a little beefier than the 5D or 5D2. Based on 15 images taken.....they look very good, better than my 5D or 7D for sure.

There is just one very annoying thing (for me).....the shutter sounds like crap. "Tinny" is the word which best describes it, much worse than my 5D, which I thought was bad enough. I compared it directly with my 40D, 5D and 7D.....the 5D3 sounds worst of all. I didn't even bother comparing it with my 1D Mk2....which sounds like a real pro camera should (as does my Nikon D2x).

Some will say if the images look good, who cares what the shutter sounds like? Fair enough. But for me personally, I wonder now if I won't cringe every time I press the shutter button.....subconsciously thinking "what a piece of crap". In my opinion, Canon should send the team who designs the 5D series shutters back to the drawing boards. No camera costing $3,500 should sound this "cheap" every time the user presses the shutter release.

Just my opinion of course.....maybe I'm obsessive-compulsive about this sort of thing. Others might think it's no big deal.

Violated my own rule to never buy a camera when it is first released......I won't make that mistake again.

I'm glad you took the plunge and like it. The shutter is always an issue with me, but dare I say I prefer the shutter of the 5D2 over the D700 I had, here's to hoping that it is close! But really, if it bother you that much, I would gladly take it off your hands. I hope mine gets here soon. It will be my birthday treat for sure :)
(Singing away typing on his New iPad).....


So much fun to read everyone's opinions. I currently shoot a 5DII and previously spent many years happily owning Nikon bodies. I occasionally stray to small bodies for fun.

My only real complaints about the 5DII was the terrible autofocus system and a little bit of jealousy about Nikons ability to focus in lower light and get a little better low light ISO performance.

The Nikon D800 sounds great but Canon fixed exactly the things I and many others complained about. Somehow I don't see anything wrong with that. I pre-ordered the MKIII.

While we can discuss this all day the end game is how much we like our own results. This is a photo taken last week with my 5DII and the old 24-70. I like it.

Beautiful...... so is the model :)
It's a funny place, the world that is! I only have good things to say about my 5D2, sure the AF can improve, and I think it just did, but then I can't believe the number of people who go out of their way on the interwebby to tell everyone. Here's to looking forward to complaints about the Mark III :)

Again, great shot!


Well-known member
My 5D3 is going back to the shop tomorrow....that's how much I DON'T like it. I guess the only Canon upgrade path for me is now the 1D series.


My 5D3 is going back to the shop tomorrow....that's how much I DON'T like it. I guess the only Canon upgrade path for me is now the 1D series.
Hahaha.... If that doesn't work out, there's always the D800 from that other company :)

What specifically did you not like about it apart from the shutter, or was it just the shutter? I'm keen to know since it is supposedly better than the 5D mark I and the 7D!


Well-known member
I like Canon (and Nikon, Hasselblad, Leica, Pentax etc) just fine....but the shutter on the 5D3 would always annoy matter how good the images might be. I will probably opt for a 1D Mk4 now instead. As I said, this might not bother other people at all.


Fair enough, I know if I didn't like the shutter sound, that would also annoy me like crazy! Good luck on the quest!