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Fuji GF 63mm vs 80mm?

Hi, I have the Fuji GFX 100S with the GF 63mm lens.

I find the 63mm lens is ok, especially when considering the price, but think it perhaps lacks something “special” ….it has quite a bit of contrast, but perhaps isn’t the best lens I’ve ever used in terms of both rendering and sharpness. It kind of lacks much sparkle to my eyes.

Does anyone have direct experience of how the GF 80mm f 1.7 might compare, ie, is the 80mm generally regarded as a solid improvement across most parameters compared to the 63mm?


Well-known member
I have the 63 and 80 and don't use the 63 much any more. I find the small increase in reach better suits my style of shooting. The 80 is sharper than my 63 and is also more even left to right. My two standard lenses for my 100s are my 50 and 80.

Victor B.


I enjoy both lenses to be honest. Prior to the 80 being released, I used the 63 almost exclusively for a few years upon purchaing the 50s and really found it to be a solid all around lens. That said, the 80 is really a special does have that magic you speak of (not like Leica, but for Fuji quite unique in it's rendering). It also has a lot of contrast, but the separation is amazing when open and it is very sharp when stopped down. It is heavy, and sometimes a bit slow...but it shines. Like Victor, I am using the 50 and 80 as the primary lenses at present with my 100s.


I have the 100s, GF 110/2, GF 45/2.8 and Milvus 135/2 (manual focus lens). These are all superb lenses.

I have used the GF 63 and have seen many images from others using this lens. It might be a little slower to AF than other GF lenses but it’s optical performance leaves nothing on the table. It is very sharp. Not quite as good as the 110 or Milvus,(what is?) but clearly a premium optic in every way.

Maybe your sample has decentering or other problem. Have you asked Fujifilm to check it or tried another sample?
