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Fun With Sony Cameras

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New member
re: Fun With Sony _____

Second or third place finisher in the women's elite division at the Nautica Triathlon. She had a commanding lead after the bike but lost it in the run to the eventual winner. I missed shots of the eventual winner because I was CHIMPING.

Nautica-2 by MikalWGrass, on Flickr


New member
re: Fun With Sony _____

Guess I am the only one posting on this subsite. More from the Nautica Triathlon.

These guys were checking out the surf prior to the start. The conditions this year were some of the roughest in the last few years.

Nauticawaiting by MikalWGrass, on Flickr


New member
re: Fun With Sony _____

Now, this guy is interesting because he is an Orthodox Jew who bikes and runs wearing his tallit katan (the garment with the black stripes) with the tzitzits swinging wildly beside and behind him. This young man participates in most of the local triathlons that are held on Sunday (Saturday is Shabbat), and he always wears the tallit katan. Thank goodness they are now made in cotton.

I have no idea who the guy is or where he prays. When I find out I will send him the photo.

Nauticatzitzit by MikalWGrass, on Flickr


New member
re: Fun With Sony _____

Shot with the a900 and ZA 85/1.4 which double bounced on the pavement outside of a Krystal burgers in Starke, FL. The unrepairable lens is sitting on the floor of my car.

Key Biscayne, FL, summer 2012. Last guy warming up before the rain hit.

TrilogySony-2 by MikalWGrass, on Flickr


New member
re: Fun With Sony _____

Some shots from water polo practice today. Used the Sony a900 and the Sony 70-200/1.8 G.

I don't get something - why is it that few people here in the Sony forum rarely post anything anymore, except in the Nex subfora? The Leica guys and gals aren't afraid to post photos but it seems as if nobody on the Sony forum, especially those that use the 850, 900, and a99, cares to post. :wtf: Is your stuff that bad? It can't be any worse than mine, that's for sure.

MoreStuff-5 by MikalWGrass, on Flickr

MoreStuff-6 by MikalWGrass, on Flickr


Well-known member
re: Fun With Sony _____

I don't get something - why is it that few people here in the Sony forum rarely post anything anymore, except in the Nex subfora? The Leica guys and gals aren't afraid to post photos but it seems as if nobody on the Sony forum, especially those that use the 850, 900, and a99, cares to post. :wtf: Is your stuff that bad? It can't be any worse than mine, that's for sure.
Mikal, you're right and let me also say I always like your shots so no need to talk yourself down. They might not be pullitzer masterpieces but always worth looking at.

I've been extremely busy with some home maintenance and my work is currently killing me, taking over a new job but no replacement yet for my old one. So little time for photography and forum activities. I know it's a feeble excuse, but at least it's an excuse ;)

Early May I took 5 days off for a short trip with some photo friends to Wroclaw (Poland) and here's some fishy stuff with my A850 of and from the Cathedral:

Hope this inspires some others as well to start posting here again.


Well-known member
re: Fun With Sony _____

I've been working on a series of nautilus shells (homage to Edward Weston). I think I'm finally getting close to the image in my mind's eye. Printed on Museo Silver Rag it looks quite nice!

a900 - 100mm 2.8 macro



Well-known member
re: Fun With Sony _____

Early May I visited Wroclaw with some photo friends and one of the day trips we took was to the former concentration camp of Gross Rosen. A depressing place with an even more depressing history. It's good to keep these kind of memorials in place to remind us of the gruesome things people can do to each other. We see it on TV still every day, but it has unfortunately been of all times. I think I let my mood influence my PP a bit, hope you don't mind. Part of the mood was also helped by the grey and rainy weather that day.

1: Memorial stained glass at the museum

2: "ARBEIT MACHT FREI", but not for the poor people who entered through this gate

3: Camp dress

4: Gallows field

5: Kitchen and tree

6: The monument

7: Once you passed through the gate, it was a long, too long, way to get out

8: But these days the barbed wire is symbolically cut, to allow the souls to escape this place that ended the lives of too many people

Most A850 + Min 24-105D, 1 and 3 NEX6 + E10-18/4
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