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Fun with X1D


New member
Still getting to know the camera and lenses...RAW processing now in Phocus but may change to LR if I continue to see almost no difference in the two applications. This still life with 90 lens f 6.8, 100 iso shot little while ago. Tiny curve enhancement and darkened edges for a dramatic feel. Experimented yesterday with handheld outdoor shooting with both 45 and 90 and getting sharp results as long as I have a decent shutter speed. Still would prefer a softer eyecup. The camera gives lovely files.

Eleanor, how are you accomplishing lens correction in Lightroom? In my Lightroom, which is the latest version as far as I know, there is no provision for the XCD lens correction, only for the older Hasselblad lenses. Are there profiles available to import in LR for the XCD lenses? (I can see the Phocus does support the XCD lenses).

Thanks... and, by the way, the images look great.



New member
Yes Nick I've thought about that. Phocus does have the lens corrections. This choice of the importance may end up being on a file by file basis. Thanks, Eleanor

Hi Eleanor
Try toggling the lens corrections on and off in Phocus and see what you think.


New member
Eli there is no X1D lens correction in LR. It actually just occurred to me yesterday that if I need the lens correction (depends on the individual file) I definitely need Phocus. With an image like this last flower, really I don't need correction, I did process this in Phocus however. I also might add that I do NOT like Phocus Shadow Fill and Recovery as these tools affect way to much of the mid tones. Definitely prefer LR on these. Also Phocus absolutely needs to have more options for the adjustment layers....not near enough selections here. Makes local adjustment challenging. LR much better in this respect.

In addition I can't seen to fine a way to export from Phocus in ProPhoto profile. Only choice I get is Adobe 1998...... Eleanor

Eleanor, how are you accomplishing lens correction in Lightroom? In my Lightroom, which is the latest version as far as I know, there is no provision for the XCD lens correction, only for the older Hasselblad lenses. Are there profiles available to import in LR for the XCD lenses? (I can see the Phocus does support the XCD lenses).

Thanks... and, by the way, the images look great.

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Well-known member
From this afternoon at the local amphitheater, using the XCD 30mm handheld. No saturation or vibrance adjustments. Yes, our skies are that blue. The folks in Chapel Hill call it "Carolina blue". I'd prefer not to use that reference, being an NC State alum.
Nick & Dave, thanks for the clarification. I use Auto ISO much of the time and would still like to set my upper limit rather than have the camera decide that for me. Just sayin'.
The 30mm looks very nice! Nice wide field ... about a 24mm on 135 format, by the diagonal AoV, but the 4:3 proportion gives them a bit 'airier' feel, more vertical space. Close ... Hopefully Hasselblad will hear my plaintive whimpering for a 22mm. :cool:

(I've gotten away from using AutoISO so much of the time again with the Leica M-D and SL. The SL has it but I find I just prefer to use fixed ISO settings more lately—I only use AutoISO now when I'm shooting manual aperture/shutter and to use sensitivity adjustment to nail proper exposure. The M-D doesn't support it at all. User settable top and bottom limits are a nice thing, sadly the SL has some bugs still when I engage top and bottom limits beyond the defaults in anything but Manual mode. Eh, nothing's perfect. ;-)



New member
Sorry to get redundant here but one more of my flower series...indoor lighting against blue evening light outside. I like the way Phocus handled the combination of color and tonal variations and handling of bokeh. Again 90 lens at 100 iso. Eleanor



In addition I can't seen to fine a way to export from Phocus in ProPhoto profile. Only choice I get is Adobe 1998...... Eleanor
In the export tab you can choose different presets, provided in the software. After choosing a preset (e.g. Tiff-16), you click the edit button. In the following screen you can change the color space. Now, most of the presets are locked, you first have to unlock (by clicking the lock symbol) in order tot choose another color space.

Back to the fun, thanks for posting, lovely shots.


Well-known member
From this afternoon at the local amphitheater, using the XCD 30mm handheld. No saturation or vibrance adjustments. Yes, our skies are that blue. The folks in Chapel Hill call it "Carolina blue". I'd prefer not to use that reference, being an NC State alum.

Nick & Dave, thanks for the clarification. I use Auto ISO much of the time and would still like to set my upper limit rather than have the camera decide that for me. Just sayin'.

I am also a wolfpacker
NCSU 61'
although is was simply NC State then


Well-known member
Any chance of a picture of you in your pajamas?
undoubtedly red and white with a North Carolina State university logo!


New member
Playing around with the X1D a bit and doing some casual comparisons to the Leica S and the Sony A7rII. Very casual and very quick, mind you, not a rigorous comparison.

X1D, 90mm, f/5.6

Leica S, 120mm macro, f/5.6

Sony A7rII, 90mm macro, f/6.3

And here are full res crops of the same area for each of the three images.


Leica S

Sony A7rII


Quick studio test with the X1D. A family friend stopped by with her precocious 11 year old and we decided to shoot a few images. I used an Elinchrom Skyport+ (Nikon Version). No issues at all firing the strobes. It did take a few shots for me to get used to the shutter. Noticeable pause in flash firing. (Shutter lag) But I adjusted quickly. One thing I did notice while sorting the images, the white of the model's eyes were very blue. No other white part of the image had the blue tint. Luckily there wasn't a lot of blue in the image and I just pulled the blue saturation slider way down. Not sure if it was my setup, Phocus or the camera.

I wouldn't call the X1D a go to camera for Studio work. That will still fall squarely in the lap of the H cameras. But it was very usable and at a much lower price point.

Here are a few samples. I didn't spend much time on the lighting and i spent even less time in post. Just wanted to give the X1D a workout.



Well-known member
Playing around with the X1D a bit and doing some casual comparisons to the Leica S and the Sony A7rII. Very casual and very quick, mind you, not a rigorous comparison.

While comparing MFD to FF is hardly a fair comparison, I am impressed that the Sony has more micro contrast.
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New member
Testing out the X1D in the studio with the 90mm at f/11, 1/125s, ISO100 shooting a slightly unkempt daughter. :) I'm very impressed with the camera's image quality, the 45mm and 90mm lenses, its compactness, construction, and handling. I'm not bothered by the startup time, nor how AF points get set (at least it has focus points to set!) The nits I have to pick so far are bugs or obvious shortcomings in software that I hope will get fixed soon, in addition to a few things that are matters of personal preference, like not being a fan of the shutter sound nor of Phocus. Nothing deal breaking for me for sure. I'm glad that that I now have one.

I'll be very interested to put it through its paces versus the GFX in a week or so. So awesome to see such interesting offerings in medium format.


Crop of the eyes.



Well-known member

I would think it is quite OK to compare, the cameras are in the same neighbourhood regarding resolution, but I would say that it is the A7rII that is correctly (or best) focused.

Best regards

Playing around with the X1D a bit and doing some casual comparisons to the Leica S and the Sony A7rII. Very casual and very quick, mind you, not a rigorous comparison.

While comparing MFD to FF is hardly a fair comparison, I am impressed that the Sony has more micro contrast.


Well-known member
Write-up of my two days with the X1D with some more photos
Nice write up Erik. You mentioned the disappointing performance of the EVF on the/your demo unit, and that too was one of the first things I found both jarring and disappointing on the demo X1D I tried. Nice to hear from yourself and others that this has been addressed in production units. After all, the viewfinder is the view of the world we see with most every camera when composing shots.

With that said, continuing to see posted images here from those using the camera is something I look forward to.

Dave (D&A)

Malina DZ

Thanks to everyone contributing X1D images and impressions! I have a few questions for lucky owners.
  • What is a max shutter speed at a wide open aperture?
  • Can X1D fire flash in continuous drive mode?
  • Is there a wireless flash solution for achieving 1/2000s sync speed?
Thanks to everyone contributing X1D images and impressions! I have a few questions for lucky owners.
  • What is a max shutter speed at a wide open aperture?
  • Can X1D fire flash in continuous drive mode?
  • Is there a wireless flash solution for achieving 1/2000s sync speed?
- 1/2000th of a second up to 60 minutes
- did not try
- I used it successfully with my Elinchrom ELB 400 kit, but the fastest I tried was 1/1000th. That's with the Elinchrom Skyport triggers which are wireless.