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Need help - looking for a workaround to get distortion correction for GF 30mm TS in Photoshop

marc aurel

Active member
Capture One had distortion correction for the GF 30mm TS lens from day one. Lightroom and Photoshop don't have it until now. I am doubtful this will change at all. So what are the alternatives if you don't want to switch to C1 or use a hybrid workflow?

A friend of mine experimented with the warp tool in photoshop and says he gets very very close to the result that C1 delivers. Sounds pretty good.

But to make this usable on high throughput you have to find a way to make this into a photoshop action that uses the embedded metadata about amount and direction of shift.

My questions:

  • How can I extract metadata of a file and use it as a variable in a photoshop action?
  • Where is shift metadata of the Fuji TS lenses hidden? It is not visible in Lightroom, nor in photoshop. I could not even find it in the xmp file.
Can anybody help?


Well-known member
Recently, I started using MetaImage to add lens data to my files. When I inspect the file I see CA, Vignetting, and Distortion parameter values, but I do not see shift and direction numbers that we are seeing in C1. I've attached a .txt file that includes the full data from the inspected raf image.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 8.52.16 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 8.56.19 AM.png


marc aurel

Active member
Thanks for checking, Diggles.
  • I just tried Metadata viewer plugin for Lightroom (based on Exif tool). And the situation is the same: no dedicated field for shift values to be found. Hmmm...
  • Then I thought: oh, maybe they encoded those values in the geometric distortion parameters? So I compared two images with different shift settings. But the values are the same.
  • Then I copied all metadata values of both files to an excel list and made it highlight those parameters where there are differences. Nothing occured that gives a hint
So where is that information?