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As a photographer, would you do this nude photo shoot for a friend?


New member
As a photographer, would you do this nude photo shoot for a friend?

A friend of mine lost his job, and started doing solo soft porn on the sideline for income a few months ago, and taking care of the photography by himself. We are both male and straight, btw!

He just received two requests from two different clients which would require a photographer. Client no. 1 (an OnlyFans management agency) wants an artistic nude photo shoot done, and client no. 2 wants a video shoot of my friend being given a BJ by a girl.

The issue for my friend is that the budget (for both shoots) is rather limited for a professional photographer to be hired, and the one client then asked if a friend (e.g. me) can help out... I do photography as an amateur, but have access to the necessary equipment specified as well as the basic knowledge required. (I have seen the “script”)

And here's the thing - I am not sure what I should do? Say yes, or no? It would be a bit awkward and perhaps weird to photograph one of your best friends nude or in the act, but on the other end of the spectrum he really needs the money and there's no other solution for now. (Also, for me the potential photographer, the payment is not bad for an hour's work, and the extra payment would come in handy for me too.) My friend doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment to help with the photo's, btw.

As a photographer, would you be willing to deal with such a shoot request if you were in my shoes? Would you feel awkward during of after the shoot if you decided to do it? Is it a case of "its just business, nothing personal"?


Well-known member
There are businesses I am happy to participate in and others I am not. Are you comfortable doing this? Are you comfortable directing the "models" and photoshoot? Is this something you would be happy to tell people you do? If not, then this business is not just business. Only you can decide if this is something you want to participate in. However, since you are posting here, this seems to make you uncomfortable.

Personally, this not be a business I am interested in.

Paul Spinnler

Well-known member
You need to live with your choices. Some would skip it, some would say get a grip there's no harm done.

I agree with Shashin - your post shows that you feel split internally about it, which can be a sign that you would be happier if you would not participate in it - but again, you will have to think about how you feel after the fact about having facilitated and participated in such a "shoot". On the other hand you support a friend and get a bit of cash.

Just think about the fact that it can be a burden on your conscience if you feel ashamed about it and will forever keep this as a "dirty secret" in front of your friends, family, spouse, kids - if this is what you'd do. You could ofc also be the person who mentions this in passing jokingly as a "funny" episode you once experienced.

Really depends on your values, upbringing, morals how you deal with such a "photo shoot" because, as said, what can be shameful to one person can be the chillest random thing for the other.


In addition to all of the great comments above, here's a trick that, after all the contemplation, can help one decide. Flip a coin! Sometimes you can tell from your instantaneous gut reaction to the outcome, what's the right choice. If you say "heads means do it, tails means don't do it" and the outcome makes your heart drop, that tells you that the coin "chose" wrong. On the other hand, if the outcome makes you feel at least OK or maybe positive, then the coin may have "chosen" the right answer for you. :)

It's a type of shortcut to "values clarification", that sometimes works.

I don't know if that will help or not in this particular case, but I do empathize with your dilemma.


Well-known member
Great advice above, but I also see a big difference between the two requests.

Personally I wouldn't have a problem with an artistic nude, many have done that and when done tastefully it's not something I would feel ashamed about.
But I wouldn't touch a video with two people engaging in sexual conduct. So in your case I would take on request 1 but stay away from 2. But that's me, like Paul and Sashin said, only you can decide.