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Freezing T.01 speeds of Broncolor Pack as compared to 2 other brands for product photography


Hello colleagues
Some dissapointment after acquiring Grafit and Verso pack.
I have a question for those of you that used Broncolor Grafit A4 or Verso A4 packs.

I had an impression that these packs have very fast t.01 times, but after acquiring both packs, I'm not sure, maybe you can confirm?
I'm interested in 150-600w/s range for products.
I saw that some photographer was getting these numbers
at 100Ws 1/5600s
at 132Ws 1/4000s
at 214Ws 1/3000s
at 300Ws 1/2600s
at 320Ws 1/2300s
at 500Ws 1/1500s

But that's not what i see is written on the pack. Either the pack "lies" and in reality the speeds are much better or it's the reality.
When I attach 1 or 2 pulso 3200j (one F and one G) heads, on my unit it says t.01 1/1870 on minimal power 3.3 level and it gets worse (slower) as I raise the power. So it's not in the line of what I saw from another photographer.

I don't have Sekonik that measures t.01 speeds, only regular meter, so can't check this too. On verso, It doesn't show t0.1, so I even don't know , only on Grafit it's showing.
How can it be? I need freezing power of 1/2500 at least, and 1/1870 is too slow.

I have some Elinchroms d-lite and BRX, but they are slow.

Also I have Qodox QT 1200, very big 1200w/s units monolights, and they give me these speeds in speed mode
1/300-1/23400s (Speed mode)
1/16(75ws) power - 1/6170s (1/6540 advertised)
1/8(150Ws) power - 1/4190 (4270 advertised)
1/4(300Ws) power - 1/2360
1/2(600Ws) power - 1/1130

Official data on brochure says 1/80 - 1/6000 s, so that's in line of what i saw from some photographer- at lower power levels(150-300ws)

So, if you have any of these packs or at least know from past experience using them, can you confirm/check what are the real speeds? It just doesn't make sense that I see good t.01's at some other photographer, but when i finally buy this used units, i'm not getting these number i hoped to get.

I thought these 2 units (without going to more expensive Score) will be the best buy for freezing stuff.

Maybe i got unit with burned capacitors that give me slower speeds?

Your knowledge will be helpful if you can check.


Well-known member
I don't have a Grafit pack to hand for the next few days, so I can't check my statement, so I have to write from memory:

The minimum flash duration of 1/6000s can only be achieved with a single Pulso flash head at Power 3.7 or 3.8, (not 3.3).
If you connect two Pulso heads, the time is extended because you need more power.
I therefore own several Grafit Packs.
You can achieve maximum output from a single light with a Pulso Twin connected to two Grafit A4 packs.
Hope that helps,
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Will Deleon

Well-known member
What are you trying to freeze? I've worked with both Grafit and Scoro (which I own) and they both have been more than capable of freezing anything at moderate power levels. I'm usually iso 50, F8 on most of my shoots.


For example water droplets.
Oh, I think i managed to understand what was the issue myself.
When I was using a test, i did connect 3 heads and also was in opt mode.
I then switched to 2 heads and to 1 head, in both I did get high t0.1 speeds but only in min mode.

I currently have Verso and Grafit and 2 other brands that are monolights. Have to add 1 additional Pulso F/G head to have 4.

Also I have to check their shifts on White balance. If they will be >500 Kelvin, i think I will have to use only one brand.
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Well-known member
I now was able to check. With power 3.8 you can get t 0.1 = 1/7500s with a Grafit A4.
In this setting you should get a significant shift towards blue.
If you have the Colormeter FCC you can change precisely the color shift of the flash in 50deg steps resulting in shorter flash duration.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-15 um 15.06.35.png
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Thanks Ben
I was doing a freeze test with vent, the verso and grafit were giving yellow/red tint, grafit in min mode. And what's interesting, in regular mode on grafit, green tint.
Even on the fastest settings like 1/7000, and even that the vent was in 2nd speed out of 3, still motion blur on vents accured. I assume, it it was 1/10000-1/14000 , it was pretty frozen.

DSC_0173-Grafit 800j.jpg
DSC_0183-Verso 600j.jpg
DSC_0148-bron min.jpg


I see, the only way to get a "more correct" white balance/less shift, is to lower the flash power, is that what you mean? I sadly don't have colorimeter that measures the t.01 speeds and color /shift. But it will require to deal with that in post.


I now was able to check. With power 3.8 you can get t 0.1 = 1/7500s with a Grafit A4.
In this setting you should get a significant shift towards blue.
If you have the Colormeter FCC you can change precisely the color shift of the flash in 50deg steps resulting in shorter flash duration.

View attachment 215543
Ben, I have a question to you.
How many seconds it takes your Grafit to recharge when you go from higher to lower power levels?
On my unit, it's pretty fast as i go up in power, but around 10 -15 seconds if i go lower (either 1/10th or 1 stops). Is it normal?


Well-known member
Yes, this is normal. The internal discharge takes some time.
If you want to speed it up, you can test flash a few times to discharge.