At the ELEMENTS Magazine we started the new year with a special feature on iconic American photographer Eliot Porter. It would be wonderful to see your photographs inspired by Eliot Porter. Anyone?
Here is what our co-editor, Steven Friedman, wrote in his Editor’s Word:
"I believe Eliot Porter’s role and contribution to landscape photography is at least as important as Ansel Adams, yet we don’t hear about him as often. Eliot was a pioneer in using colour photography in the field which was predominately dominated by black and white imagery at the time. Many landscape photographers were focused on grand sweeping vistas, whereas Porter was known for his intimate, detailed approach to landscape photography. He took close-up vignettes of the landscape, plants, trees and rocks. His work felt personal and intimate, leaving the viewer with a deeper connection to nature. Today many of us take this type of photography for granted but it was a novel approach back then. In fact, you can see Eliot’s influence on landscape photography even 35 years after his passing."

Here is what our co-editor, Steven Friedman, wrote in his Editor’s Word:
"I believe Eliot Porter’s role and contribution to landscape photography is at least as important as Ansel Adams, yet we don’t hear about him as often. Eliot was a pioneer in using colour photography in the field which was predominately dominated by black and white imagery at the time. Many landscape photographers were focused on grand sweeping vistas, whereas Porter was known for his intimate, detailed approach to landscape photography. He took close-up vignettes of the landscape, plants, trees and rocks. His work felt personal and intimate, leaving the viewer with a deeper connection to nature. Today many of us take this type of photography for granted but it was a novel approach back then. In fact, you can see Eliot’s influence on landscape photography even 35 years after his passing."