I've been thinking about trying a back on my RB67 Pro SD. Most likely a Credo or IQ back for live view to help with focus checking. I found a place selling 3d printed adapters, which who knows how that would go. Or would the HX702 for the ZD back also work with the newer Credo/IQ backs?
I know it's a dumb idea, though it's still there. Does anyone have any experience with this or know someone who has done it.

RB67-M645 Adapter (Landscape mode) - LENSMOD
This adapter makes your Mamiya RB67 or Mamiya RB67 Pro S can work with Leaf digital back or PhaseOne digital back for Mamiya 645AFD.This is for "Landscape Mode".

I know it's a dumb idea, though it's still there. Does anyone have any experience with this or know someone who has done it.