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2023 Olympic National Park Workshop With Julian Calverley


Staff member
Capture Integration, our sponsor, is organising a very exiting workshop in the beautiful Olympic National Park in Washington State. You will be able to learn and meet industry leaders and landscape talent including:
  • Hans Keist – ALPA Switzerland – CEO and Owner
  • Dave Gallagher – Capture Integration – CEO
  • Brad Kaye – Capture Integration – Head of Technical Support
  • Julian Calverley – Landscape Photographic Artist & Award Winning Author
You can learn more about this event

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 5.48.30 PM.jpgScreenshot 2023-04-13 at 5.48.19 PM.jpg


Well-known member
LOL, the “banner photo” and 3rd photo are very interesting. Perhaps not included as a location to shoot during the workshop? Perhaps not in Washington State? Perhaps not even in the US? Perhaps not even on the same continent?



Well-known member
LOL, the “banner photo” and 3rd photo are very interesting. Perhaps not included as a location to shoot during the workshop? Perhaps not in Washington State? Perhaps not even in the US? Perhaps not even on the same continent?

I pointed that out privately, it's actually Elgol on the Isle of Skye, but no action has been taken - the organisation must be happy with that.

Best regards,


Paul Spinnler

Well-known member
I pointed that out privately, it's actually Elgol on the Isle of Skye, but no action has been taken - the organisation must be happy with that.

Best regards,

I think it s supposed to make a point that Julian Calverley – an amazing landscape photographer and long-time Alpa camera user (STC / Max with 40 HR) – is leading the workshop by including one of his images as a reference of what you will learn (they also do post-production sessions). He usually shoots on the Isle of Skye and this is his first transcontinental workshop as Alpa ambassador.

Would not assume that "the organisation" (CI or Alpa?) willingly misleads anyone, but it is helpful to clarify that the location as such is not shown precisely in one of the images, but rather the work of the workshop leader in addition to the location and place where people will stay at.

That is, CI and / or Alpa could clarfiy here that the images are a mix of a reference to the location AND Julian, but now that it has been pointed out for avoidance of confusion it is good as a PSA.

– "Honi soit qui mal y pense"
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Well-known member
I don't disagree, but I imagine that anyone considering the workshop would be aware of this. We are, for example, at least some of the target audience for this kind of thing and noted it. Clicking on the link where you can learn more about the event also brings you to a page that shows images from the park where the workshop will be held.

Back to the workshop....

Looks like a great opportunity! I can't commit this year but hope to start going on these sorts of things in 2024 forward....

Steve Hendrix

Well-known member
I pointed that out privately, it's actually Elgol on the Isle of Skye, but no action has been taken - the organisation must be happy with that.

Best regards,


It's not really a matter of whether we are happy with it or not. Our intent was to also highlight Julian's work, as was noted by Paul Spinnler, given that Julian is lending his considerable talents to walking through his workflow from capture to post process for the attendees. We wanted some of his imagery to reflect that. Nonetheless, it hadn't occurred to us that one might assume some of those images might come from the Olympic National Park territory, so we are making some efforts to clarify this.

We're not trying to pull the moss over anyone's eyes. ;)

Steve Hendrix/CI
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Well-known member
It's not really a matter of whether we are happy with it or not. Our intent was to also highlight Julian's work, as was noted by Paul Spinnler, given that Julian is lending his considerable talents to walking through his workflow from capture to post process for the attendees. We wanted some of his imagery to reflect that. Nonetheless, it hadn't occurred to us that one might assume some of those images might come from the Olympic national park territory, so we are making some efforts to clarify this.

We're not trying to pull the moss over anyone's eyes. ;)

Steve Hendrix/CI

Let's clarify things a bit.

1. Timeline. On April 14, when the original post has been published, I immediately noticed that an image used both as banner and as one of the images in the text were of the Isle of Skye. Since during the promotion of the 80 Workshop I led so far I never even thought about using an image of a different location to promote one of my Workshops, and with the only purpose to help and to prevent the great Julian Calverley from experiencing what actually happened next, I immediately contacted on the same day the OP privately to point that out.

Unfortunately, as it turns out, nothing has been done following my message.

On April 29 another forum member made fun of the very thing I pointed out, which as a fellow professional photographer and workshop leader is exactly what I feared would happen - and what prompted me to privately write to the OP in the first place. At this point, since in over two weeks since my heads-up nothing had been done, I obviously assumed the organisation were happy with that - and I posted, publicly this time, in that sense. End of story: I NEVER said nor meant that the organisation were trying to pull the moss over people's eyes, or anything of that sort, so please do not put words in my mind that I never said nor meant.

2. Despite your saying so, I fail to see how showcasing an image from a different place helps reflecting that "Julian is lending his considerable talents to walking through his workflow from capture to post process for the attendees". I think it's clear to anyone that an image from the actual Workshop's destination would have reflected the same, and much better so: not only it would have showed Julian's huge talents, which nobody doubts (least of all myself, a huge admirer of Julian and his work) but it would have showed places that the attendees would expect to actually see and be able to work on.

So, I am happy that you recognised the need to "clarify" things, and I am happy that my post actually helped made that happen. If, to do so, I have to endure some unwarranted and gratuitous attacks, so be it.

Best regards,


Steve Hendrix

Well-known member

Let's clarify things a bit.

1. Timeline. On April 14, when the original post has been published, I immediately noticed that an image used both as banner and as one of the images in the text were of the Isle of Skye. Since during the promotion of the 80 Workshop I led so far I never even thought about using an image of a different location to promote one of my Workshops, and with the only purpose to help and to prevent the great Julian Calverley from experiencing what actually happened next, I immediately contacted on the same day the OP privately to point that out.

Unfortunately, as it turns out, nothing has been done following my message.

On April 29 another forum member made fun of the very thing I pointed out, which as a fellow professional photographer and workshop leader is exactly what I feared would happen - and what prompted me to privately write to the OP in the first place. At this point, since in over two weeks since my heads-up nothing had been done, I obviously assumed the organisation were happy with that - and I posted, publicly this time, in that sense. End of story: I NEVER said nor meant that the organisation were trying to pull the moss over people's eyes, or anything of that sort, so please do not put words in my mind that I never said nor meant.

2. Despite your saying so, I fail to see how showcasing an image from a different place helps reflecting that "Julian is lending his considerable talents to walking through his workflow from capture to post process for the attendees". I think it's clear to anyone that an image from the actual Workshop's destination would have reflected the same, and much better so: not only it would have showed Julian's huge talents, which nobody doubts (least of all myself, a huge admirer of Julian and his work) but it would have showed places that the attendees would expect to actually see and be able to work on.

So, I am happy that you recognised the need to "clarify" things, and I am happy that my post actually helped made that happen. If, to do so, I have to endure some unwarranted and gratuitous attacks, so be it.

Best regards,


Vieri -

I am sorry that you perceived the moss over eyes as some sort of slight aimed at you, it certainly was not. It wasn't a slight at all, it was meant to be a humorous take on our showing a different scene that did not originate from Olympic National Park and that our intention was not to mislead anyone. No slight intended toward you or anyone else.

Second, we've never had any direct contact as far as I am aware from anyone about this post or how we present the workshop on our website, from which this post is based on. Until today, I'd not viewed the recent posts on this thread, and just happened to notice some pointing out some potential confusion. So, your comment about us being happy to leave it as is was not accurate. And I have to say, it comes off a bit snide.

With regard to how we decide to present Julian's work, I appreciate your perspective.

Steve Hendrix/CI


Well-known member
Vieri -

I am sorry that you perceived the moss over eyes as some sort of slight aimed at you, it certainly was not. It wasn't a slight at all, it was meant to be a humorous take on our showing a different scene that did not originate from Olympic National Park and that our intention was not to mislead anyone. No slight intended toward you or anyone else.

Second, we've never had any direct contact as far as I am aware from anyone about this post or how we present the workshop on our website, from which this post is based on. Until today, I'd not viewed the recent posts on this thread, and just happened to notice some pointing out some potential confusion. So, your comment about us being happy to leave it as is was not accurate. And I have to say, it comes off a bit snide.

With regard to how we decide to present Julian's work, I appreciate your perspective.

Steve Hendrix/CI
Hello Steve,

thank you for clarifying that your comment wasn't meant as a slight - I have to say it did come off a bit like a slight, especially since it wasn't the only one, and I am glad that wasn't the case.

About contact, I messaged the OP about the post here, which is were the content was displayed and by whom. Given the way the post was presented I assumed the OP was part of the organisation - or at least in close contact with it. Now we know that wasn't the case, that you didn't know and that you didn't monitor this post until today, which would explain why no action has been taken: thank you for clarifying that as well.

Anyway, all's well that ends well, and I wish you and Julian all success for the Workshop. Best regards,


Steve Hendrix

Well-known member
Hello Steve,

thank you for clarifying that your comment wasn't meant as a slight - I have to say it did come off a bit like a slight, especially since it wasn't the only one, and I am glad that wasn't the case.

About contact, I messaged the OP about the post here, which is were the content was displayed and by whom. Given the way the post was presented I assumed the OP was part of the organisation - or at least in close contact with it. Now we know that wasn't the case, that you didn't know and that you didn't monitor this post until today, which would explain why no action has been taken: thank you for clarifying that as well.

Anyway, all's well that ends well, and I wish you and Julian all success for the Workshop. Best regards,


Vieri -

I'm feeling like this now.

Nikola Jokic and Matt Ishbia

Steve Hendrix/CI