vendors are no longer allowed to support, sponsor, or participate.
Good for CI. Not so good in my opinion for the vibrancy, diversity, and technical depth of the forum, but I guess I’m biased.
I heard that there was a debate going on that involved CI so I hope you don't mind that I chime in here.
Let's go over a little history. CI has been working closely with GetDPI since 2008. At that time, Doug worked for Capture Integration and Steve Hendrix was OUR competitor! It's crazy to look back at. This was long before other dealers and long before GetDPI was accepting sponsorship. We helped Jack, Guy, and Bob with their workshops and it quickly became a wonderful working relationship. We became their first paid sponsor a few years later and have been dedicated to this forum ever since.
If you remember in April 2020, Jack announced that GetDPI was shutting down due to the lack of time and funding. The years of content, honest sharing between photographers, and wonderful camaraderie was going to be lost. Luckily, Olaf Sztaba stepped in and saved it. It was at this point that Olaf reached out to CI about sponsorship. There were offers from manufacturers to come in and push their single content, but no vendors like us stepped up besides us. I don’t want to speak for Olaf, but it seemed like he wanted a more open and honest approach rather than pushed by a single manufacturer and he asked us to be the exclusive sponsor.
That is the history. We, as the exclusive sponsor, recognize all the strong content that has been created here over the years. We have directly requested not to delete content or memberships even from our competitors. In our eyes, it was important that GetDPI does not restrict anyone from participating or supporting its users or this site. Capture Integration simply asked that our competitors were restricted from "promoting" their company on this site when they have not stepped up financially as we have since 2008. It's that simple and nothing nefarious whatsoever.
Douglas, I have to respectfully disagree that this simple request to not promote a competitor changes the “vibrancy, diversity, or depth” of this forum. If someone chooses not to post or be a part of this forum, it is their individual choice and not regulated by either its owner or its sponsor.
Dave Gallagher
CEO - Capture Integration
RIT Alumni Board of Directors
Phase One Partner of the Year