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fat pixel digital backs


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18x24 8x10 Norma 300 Symmar Norma Auto Iris by Nokton48, on Flickr

CFV16 Fat Pixel Digital Back Hasselblad 500C/M 80mm C T* black Planar. Broncolor Balloon 90 degrees camera left to set as overall fill. Broncolor Octobox 150 45 degrees camera left, one stop brighter than Balloon fill. Silver fill panel camera right at 45 degrees. Bracketed exposure at 1/2 stops, then picked the frame that looked best on my computer.

Sinar 18x24cm 8x10" Norma 300mm f5.6 chrome Schneider Symmar Sinar Norma Automatic Iris mount. 8x10" Norma Bag Bellows and Norma Monocular in the back. Sweet to look through. Norma Pan Tilt Head and Manfrotto tripod. A good Traveling Norma I used to use in the field. This is a super speedy camera to operate, no need to go back and forth when operating, all controls are fully seen and set from behind the camera. I've had to shoot fast and this does the job best IMO. This is a later version Norma as it does not have not have locking levers front or back. I guess they figured the camera was tight and smooth enough that it doesn't need locking levers. This one is as smooth operating as is possible.
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Active member
Sinar Norma Automatic Iris mount.
All Sinar gear is amazing. Great precision stuff and pleasure to work with. Their pan and tilt heads are probably the best heads I have ever had and can deal with anything you throw at them. The same with the rotating holder that I am lucky to have - it can take up to 60kg of gear and have it swung around its axis with amazing, micrometer precision.
Also, the automatic shutter (the early version pictured on your photo) is absolutely a genius thing - you can have just one shutter for all your lenses and set the aperture with ease. Sinar put so much thought in their systems' modularity and usability.
Also, the workmanship and quality is top notch - their products can serve a lifitime or two.
It is a pity that they are no longer in business.


Well-known member
Testing CFV16 50mm Dist EI 100 Watering by Nokton48, on Flickr

Just got the CFV16 Digital Back, with the 50mm F4 Zeiss black CT* lens, metering with the olde CDS Finder, reads out in EV's. Fun to use this combo. I like Hasselblad Digital, this back is the original one from 2007, was marketed for the "V" cameras by Hasselblad. Very user friendly and straight forward.

Soon we will be watering like this again!