It's time to joining in on the fun!
So far I've used the X1D as a casual "lifestyle" walk-around camera, and have enjoyed it tremendously. It's simple, light, and produces amazing results.
I usually use aperture priority, center point manual focus (back button focus) with peaking, auto ISO, and center spot metering. There's no need to fiddle with anything on the back screen. Just focus, recompose, dial in exposure, and shoot. In fact, for this type of usage, I really wish there's a setting to completely turn off the back screen.
Anyway, here's a snap from LA County Arboretum. 1/80 sec, f/3.5, ISO 100 with XCD 30. This is a tiny 2200x1650 crop since obviously I wasn't that close to the peacock with the 30mm lens. Processed in LR.