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Looking for a Nikon digital body.


Active member
Yesterday a frienf let me try his D80 with my good old Micro Nikkor 105 AFD wich I used to mount on my F90.

The experience was very pleasant and I want to use again this superb lens to shoot at work (tooth, orthodontics, little surgery...).

My old ringflash Sunpack DX12 doesn't work anymore, so I need a Nikon Digital Body , and a Macro flash for it.

I don't want to spend a lot : I need the minimal working system to achieve a beautiful 8-10 Megapixel jpeg. (even less 5Mpx, because I shoot a lot for work !!)

Any suggestion will be welcome.

Jorgen Udvang

Subscriber Member
There's a lot to choose from:
D80, D90, D7000, D200, D300. If it was me, I would buy a D90. They can be bought at very reasonable prices now, even new, and it's an excellent camera with a very good sensor. Be aware that D40/60/3000 and 3100 won't AF with your macro lens. They also have much smaller viewfinders.


A sealed camera for medical use might be a good idea. Then you can clean it with disinfectant without worrying? DX is also better for greater DOF during Macros.

In that case, a Nikon D300s might be a good idea. I suggested the D300s because it has live-view and you will not need to be so close to your patient's face.
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Subscriber Member
I get kidded enough on these forums about being a dentist, so here goes..what I have I use for multiple things in office and out is irrelevant if all you shoot is oral images. YMMV!!

Any decent used D80 or better/newer body will suffice, along with a Tamron 90mm macro or Nikon or Tamron 60mm macro. DO you shoot extra oral head shots or just intra oral closeups? This would be a factor. You can of course spend more and get a Nikon micro lens too. Do you shoot them personally or do you have a staff person do it? How familiar, comfortable is that person with camera gear?

Laughing at the sealed camera suggestion, most folk have watched too much Marathon Man or the latest horror flick, and do not know just how UN BLOODY surgery is. I am a periodontist by training and now do general dentisty. Long story, back to regular programming. Don't think the sealing is a deal breaker, but if you need it, then any D300 or better will suffice. If you have had good luck with a Sunpak ringflash in the past, just get the new version if available or the Nikon but more $$$ again. I have had the same one as you but now have gotten lazy and shoot less, and just use a shoe mount flash. The ring flash is the way to go for serious shooting as before, unless you shoot smile shots or head and neck stuff, then get a SB800 or better and use a difffuser. The more you can automate the system will make it easier for a staff member that may not be so photo fluent.

Any specific questions, or budget limits, just ask, will be glad to help, best, Don


New member
I also bought a second had D90--as a d700 backup--it really is great... paid right around $500 for mine--couldn't be happier. I'd much rather have two d90's than one d7000....


Is there a world wide price reduction for the D300s (due to the success of the D7000 and/or the imminent release of a replacing model)? At least here in Finland several shops have just reduced the price of a brand new D300s to 999€ - from for example 1399€ just days ago.

Jorgen Udvang

Subscriber Member
It would be strange if the price of the D300s didn't fall after the launch of D7000. Here in Thailand, the official D300s price is still 20-40% higher, but I doubt that it will last long before it falls. Gray market prices are roughly equal, and I believe those reflect better what people are willing to pay.


New member
If you want to go very inexpensive, a used D50 or D70s (6.1 MP) can be had for $200-250 at or other reputable dealers. Yes, older, but will autofocus with all AF lenses, and the image quality is still excellent, especially since you'll be using flash and presumably low ISO.


It would be strange if the price of the D300s didn't fall after the launch of D7000. Here in Thailand, the official D300s price is still 20-40% higher, but I doubt that it will last long before it falls. Gray market prices are roughly equal, and I believe those reflect better what people are willing to pay.
D300s is more expensive because its a better DSLR.

It's also marked to a different crowd.


Active member
Without getting to image quality, there are a few reasons one person may say one cam is better, and another might say another is better. But I do agree they are not direct competitors. As far as I can see:

The only advantages the D7000 are:

1. More MPX
2. smaller size (advantage to some, disadvantage to others)
3. smaller price
4. Video

But I agree, it is no D300s direct competitor, it is a grade lower even if the above is true as far as being a great CAMERA.