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Old lenses, post your samples


Well-known member

Rodenstock Eurynar 4.5/180mm, made in 1949, one of the very rare coated once. The Eurynar is a four single element Douple Gauss type lens, a fast Apo Ronar, if you want.
4x5", Fomapan 100 @ISO80, Wehner Developer, Sinar F1, Scan with Epson V700



Well-known member
Please don´t hesitate to post your own samples here, I know that a lot of photographers find it interesting to see picture taken with old lenses.

I prefer the uncoated ones, made earlier than 1945. Here it is possible to find lenses which are not only sharp, this ones have unique characteristics.
Now I start with a lens from the small swiss maker Emil Suter, located in Basel. Named "Stella" 160mm f/5
It is not an anastigmat but made in the 1920th. It is a kind of soft focus lens with a very interesting rendering. A late child of the pictoralism.
Thank you so much arri for starting this thread and for your images. Thanks also to all of the contributors to it! I'm enjoying every bit of it.

Perhaps because my career has often required a good deal of attention to achieving very high resolution using the latest technology, I enjoy the departure. But more than that, I appreciate the variety of imagery produced which summons new feelings and different perceptions.

Thanks again! I look forward to more.
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Well-known member
Rodenstock Weitwinkel Eikonar 12/130mm @f/45 (made in 1910)
Sheet film 18x24cm, in this format the lens has to cover an angle of view of 100°
Fuji xray film UM-MA
Sinar Norma 8x10"
I focus exactly to oo to see how large are the image circle really is. Rodenstock said in the old cataloges it is up to 105°.
A wonderful small and light weight lens with excellent performance. I use the rear lens shutter of the Sinar system, for this I have to made a sunk lens board to avoid a vignettig of the shutter rim.

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Well-known member
Hugo Meyer Goerlitz Trioplan 4.5/300mm @f/8 (made in 1931)
Front swing to get the table sharp
A very interesting lens, I like it. For a lens with this data it is realy light weigt and very good in handling.
The sample shows my tomato plants, now the harvest begans a few days ago.
Fuji xray film, sheet size 18x24cm
Sinar Norma 8x10" with rear lens shutter

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Well-known member
Emil Busch Rathenow Bis-Telar 7/550mm @f/22 (made in 1919)
Maybe the longest focus length of the Bis-Telar. I don´t found any further information and I never saw this lens a second time.
The lens needs a bellows extension of only 330mm.
I use again the 18x24cm sheet film size, this is close to 8x10" (20x25cm)
Fuji xray film UM-MA
SInar Norma 8x10" with rear lens shutter



Well-known member
Carl Zeiss Jena Apo Tessar 9/300mm @f/32 (1938)
Sheet film 9x12cm
Ratio 1:1
Fuji xray film UM-MA
Sinar Norma 4x5" with rear lens shutter



Well-known member
When this will be a challenge to use the oldest lens than here is my contribution.
Taken with a Derogy Portrait Petzval lens, made in France in 1870
For this lens I need slow material to get in a long exposure time, so I used photopaper, 30 years old, slightly greyed by the years.
Original Gr.2 but now it is more Gr. 0-1

When the lens were made the wetplate photography were the most used technology. It is only sensitive for blue and UV light, similar to the enlarging paper I used for my sample.
The lens is a 360mm f/4.5 and I used f/32. Sheet size 18x24cm. Exposure time 12 sec.
Inverted to a positive with GIMP
