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Planes, Trains and Automobiles


Well-known member
Rat Rod . The owner came all the way from Alberta canada

View attachment 211222

I like to show movement if I can on still images ...A friend had a smoke dispenser to create this effect

View attachment 211223

View attachment 211224

View attachment 211252
... I have a question - please don't be angry -

have these pictures been photographed or taken with AI?
I've seen inconsistencies in some of your pictures that I can't explain.

In the penultimate picture, the car is in the centre.
The one wheel position on the right shows the car travelling straight ahead -
with the other wheel the car is turning right!

How can this be explained?


Well-known member
... I have a question - please don't be angry -

have these pictures been photographed or taken with AI?
I've seen inconsistencies in some of your pictures that I can't explain.

In the penultimate picture, the car is in the centre.
The one wheel position on the right shows the car travelling straight ahead -
with the other wheel the car is turning right!

How can this be explained?
So yes i do use photoshop to add effects to an image which for me makes it interesting...but the key subject in all my pict is not AI generated
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Well-known member
So yes i do use photoshop to add effects to an image which for me makes it interesting...but the key subject in all my pict is not AI generated
thank you for your answer.
I still have a few questions -

does that mean that the situations in the picture as we see them here never existed?
the cars and the landscapes were photographed, edited and recomposed by you?
or are these your compositions with available picture elements?


Well-known member
thank you for your answer.
I still have a few questions -

does that mean that the situations in the picture as we see them here never existed?
the cars and the landscapes were photographed, edited and recomposed by you?
or are these your compositions with available picture elements?
While I like to answer your above q's....Like to say if. you keep taking pictures of what you can logically only get more of what you are observing

Same in life and whats happening in our lives ...dont just photograph whats happening ......see possibilitys .......This is the only way everything I have ever

wanted keeps happening.........Your q's on surface while are simple q's on images ......In truth is a deeper q on how creation happens and your core belief definition of what reality is .....

so are the cars and landscape photographed edited and composed by me.......No ! its an inspiration that comes thru me....Im just channeling that inspiration

....and then whatever tools I have to channel that inspiration is what you see ...i dont distinguish AI, My camera or me as separate ......All becomes one in this process .


Well-known member
While I like to answer your above q's....Like to say if. you keep taking pictures of what you can logically only get more of what you are observing
That's true, but not the whole truth!

Even if twenty photographers take pictures in the forest and together they take hundreds of pictures, no two will be the same.

There are masters of photography who create iconic views, recognise the decisive moment, create images that cast a spell, images that don't let go, images that can tell whole stories with one photo, images with the power to change the course of events ...

We practise this here and show it to our colleagues for assessment, to talk about it and to motivate and improve ourselves.

You create photorealistic works and create a story.
I have no objection to this if it is labelled as such in a photo forum.

Perhaps a separate area for such work would also be conceivable?


Well-known member
That's true, but not the whole truth!

Even if twenty photographers take pictures in the forest and together they take hundreds of pictures, no two will be the same.

There are masters of photography who create iconic views, recognise the decisive moment, create images that cast a spell, images that don't let go, images that can tell whole stories with one photo, images with the power to change the course of events ...

We practise this here and show it to our colleagues for assessment, to talk about it and to motivate and improve ourselves.

You create photorealistic works and create a story.
I have no objection to this if it is labelled as such in a photo forum.

Perhaps a separate area for such work would also be conceivable?
The title of this thread is planes, Trains and automobiles.....I think my picts meet that criteria .......However I do agree that on my images to put a note on how it was created so the viewer can know ......Other than that if you dont like something dont "look"....Its always an option :)...your attention would be missed though :(
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Well-known member
Based on user suggestion writing a description on how I am creatung some of these images/effects ....normally I am lazy writing …..So like to say 1st I find my current idea of maximum excitement in photography is the blending of real and the potential of what can be ………The car below is 100% photographed no alterations other than color adj to the car .....Any distortions of wheels is just a wide angle distortion effect.....This car when I shot it had lots of clutter around it in these cases I create my own environment as below using a technique used in Cinematography known as perspective matching, set designing & Ai .....The theme of the environment is Steam punk to kinda match the subject ......For me this process of changing the context of the key subject makes it soo much more fun.........I then give these picts to the owners as a courtesy for free if they ask......The owners are excited to see their cars like never before.and share their journeys in life so far .........The energy of the cars and coffee auto show every wk is so charged as owners bring their unique cars and builds

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Well-known member
The theme for below The Travel adventurer ....the entire car once again is as I shot...Those headlights looked just like that with greenish yellow color . The environment is 3D + AI generated ......The actual car was surrounded by elderly lounging in their beach chairs below process of creating environments to match the same camera perspective as the key subject as it was shot makes it more time consuming and difficult with integrating both the real and the real unreal together than most would realize .......For the time being thats whats most exciting for me for now taking my subjects I photograph into the realm of my imagination how I want to see them ........If you think about it everything in creation begins with an idea in the unseen realm ......maybe my subconscious is manifesting these moments in the future , which I am creating now ...I asked all the owners of these Rat Rods to park in the shade .....somehow they got convinced costs somewhere between $50k - 120k to build these according to the person who made these .

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Well-known member
This one I thought would do a before and after making it self explanatory ...The car when I saw it immedialetly felt like it was a character from a comic book or painting those black brush strokes on its body gave that vibe. So t hat was the inspiration to have the environment like a paitning below

