Paul Spinnler
Well-known member
Hi there
I see very little discussion on the XT. Lorenzo likes it. But then who else?
Is this thing selling at all? How do people fare wit limited usage of IC (eg in case of 70HR, but also 32HR!) and are some considering switching?
I tried one, but the high price of lenses - 50 4.0 rumoured to be 10K EUR like the 32!! plus the limited shift and inability to use it with my ALPA keeps me from investing. I don't yet have a 32, and I'd like to have one, but then I could not use it on my Alpa and the little XT doesn't use its full potential. Same goes for the tele 138 - would love to have a compact setup AND option to stich ...
So curious to hear what other forum members think about it and whether people are switching.
I think Drew Altdoerffer (cheers if you see this) missed the spot a bit with just 12mm stitch. Maybe it was to not compete with the compact Cambo itself, but I just wish they would do an XT with Alpa mount, license out the connection plate so that other tech cam manufacturers can become cable free an integrate half press shutter mechanisms or just announce an XT XL with tilt and 22.5 shift in all directions ...
Many thanks
I see very little discussion on the XT. Lorenzo likes it. But then who else?
Is this thing selling at all? How do people fare wit limited usage of IC (eg in case of 70HR, but also 32HR!) and are some considering switching?
I tried one, but the high price of lenses - 50 4.0 rumoured to be 10K EUR like the 32!! plus the limited shift and inability to use it with my ALPA keeps me from investing. I don't yet have a 32, and I'd like to have one, but then I could not use it on my Alpa and the little XT doesn't use its full potential. Same goes for the tele 138 - would love to have a compact setup AND option to stich ...
So curious to hear what other forum members think about it and whether people are switching.
I think Drew Altdoerffer (cheers if you see this) missed the spot a bit with just 12mm stitch. Maybe it was to not compete with the compact Cambo itself, but I just wish they would do an XT with Alpa mount, license out the connection plate so that other tech cam manufacturers can become cable free an integrate half press shutter mechanisms or just announce an XT XL with tilt and 22.5 shift in all directions ...
Many thanks