The GetDPI Photography Forum

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What will happen to the content?


Active member
Medium Format Magazine $19.95 per month. Are they serious ? LOL
Have you read it? I think it is an important resource, a small cost compared to my equipment, if I can use it better :grin:
I am not asking you to subscribe, but to my knowledge this is the only publication focusing exclusively on MF, and could be a "home" for this group (but probably not the whole site, where there are multiple alternatives)


Well-known member
I'd pay a small subscription fee to keep this site going, or perhaps take over some of the advertising slots.

Jack, get in touch please so we can discuss.



Senior Subscriber Member
We should have only one forum to discuss the issue this important.

As I posted in Darr's forum, GetDPI is a very special community for me. I get to know many great and talented people whom I can call friends. I've been inspired by their incredible works.

Please don't close the site. There must be a way to keep it opened.

As most of us here, I will be more than happy to contribute membership fee and extra, whatever it takes, to maintain this forum.



Ed Hurst

Well-known member
We should have only one forum to discuss the issue this important.

As I posted in Darr's forum, GetDPI is a very special community for me. I get to know many great and talented people whom I can call friends. I've been inspired by their incredible works.

Please don't close the site. There must be a way to keep it opened.

As most of us here, I will be more than happy to contribute membership fee and extra, whatever it takes, to maintain this forum.



Well said, sir. We have to keep it somehow. We just have to!


Well-known member
I should apologise - I didn't realise at the time of posting this thread that there was already discussion ongoing in the Site sub-forum.

For those who are not aware, the two main threads can be found here -

How Can We Help GetDPI Stay Alive


The End ?

Some very encouraging discussion in the former, where it more naturally belongs.

Kind regards,



Well-known member
Sorry to see my favorite photo site go. As a senior citizen amateur photo enthusiast I learned a lot here. I also visit several other photo sites, and at times the remarks/ replies to my queries are down right insulting or condescending. Here, I am always treated like a gentleman. Thank you all.
Dave in NJ
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Active member
Sorry to see my favorite photo site go. As a senior citizen amateur photo enthusiast I learned a lot here. I also visit several other photo sites, and at times the remarks/ replies to my queries are down right insulting or condescending. Here, I am always treated like a gentleman. Thank you all.
Dave in NJ
Looks like we are in the clear it is not going anywhere.