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fat pixel digital backs

Hi everyone. Long time listener, first time caller. Thought I would throw in some P25 images.



New member
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm currently using a fat pixel back (Sinarback 54M, 2004 vintage, I believe) with the Kodak 22-megapixel sensor in my portrait studio in West Orlando. It's hitched to a Hasselblad 553ELX, mostly shooting the 80mm/F2.8 CF Planar, the 120mm/F4.0 CFi Makro-Planar, and the 150mm/F4.0 CF Sonnar. And if I'm shooting tight head shots of someone interesting, I use the 180mm/F4.0 CFi Sonnar (a truly stunning lens). I'm very happy with the resolution, and the skin tones--most of my clients are black, because of my location, and it does a far, far better job of getting the skin tones right than my Nikon D810, which tends to make black people very orange-y without some rather strenuous correction.

If you'd like to see what it can do, here are a few full-resolution samples I've got stashed on my website. These have had a bit of Nik Sharpener applied to them, but it's just building on what's there. (I *think* this was shot with the 180 Sonnar and an extension tube.) (Shot with the 120 Makro-Planar--the same lens Platon uses, with his style of lighting.) (Shot with the 150mm Sonnar, wide open, with extension tube.) (Shot with the 120mm Makro-Planar and the Auto Bellows; this was a test shooting a coffee sack I have hung up on my wall. The area of the image is approximately 1.5 x 1.2 inches.) (This was actually shot with my first Sinarback 54M and the Mamiya RZ67 plus 180mm W-N lens; I had to sell the camera and the back to help fund my move back to the US. As soon as I could find--and afford--another Sinarback on my return, I snapped it up, but I use it on a Hasselblad here.)

Hope this conveys just what this old fat-pixel back can do in terms of portraiture. It's "only" 22 megapixels--but it's 22 *glorious* megapixels!
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Active member
Hope this conveys just what this old fat-pixel back can do in terms of portraiture. It's "only" 22 megapixels--but it's 22 *glorious* megapixels!
Glorious pixels indeed !

Very nice work. The color and rendering of those lenses V lenses is still wonderful as well.

You're a brave man to rely on Firewire and software that can't be updated, much less replaced should you need to.


Hola, buenas noches desde Girona.

Llevo ya unos 8 años utilizando CFV-16

Dejo algunas fotos sencillas, hechas con el CFV-16 edición firmado por Victor Hasselblad. Me averguenzo cuando veo "fotones" que han subido a otros compañeros. Pero ahi las dejo


A0000732 aw.jpg

A0000733 aw.jpg


gorrion b.jpg


.........lo siento, debo disculparme por no escribir en inglés, cometería errores gramaticales y ortográficos, así que prefiero usar mi idioma conocido. gracias y saludos :)