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fat pixel digital backs


New member
Max -- great shot!

I did see your post about the loupe modification and have been meaning to do the same. The AE finder with mamiya magnifier just doesn't add much (if any) to the RZ's built in WLF magnifier.

Where did you source your loupe and intenscreen?

And have you seen THIS?


New member
Max -- great shot!

I did see your post about the loupe modification and have been meaning to do the same. The AE finder with mamiya magnifier just doesn't add much (if any) to the RZ's built in WLF magnifier.

Where did you source your loupe and intenscreen?

And have you seen THIS?
Eddie Adams used to shoot with an RZ and a AE chimney finder.


Max -- great shot!

I did see your post about the loupe modification and have been meaning to do the same. The AE finder with mamiya magnifier just doesn't add much (if any) to the RZ's built in WLF magnifier.

Where did you source your loupe and intenscreen?

And have you seen THIS?
Thanks. Yeah, I've seen these AE chimney finders before and prices are always pretty steep considering the fact that you don't gain much exept for metering and the AE feature of course. Magnification is exactly the same and so is with the 3x-5x dual magnifying hood for the RB67 I once had (these are pretty rare aswell but fit the RZ perfectly).
Kaiser: Loupe 4x Plastic for 6x6 (Loupes and slide viewers) - analogue photography
This is the loupe I'm using. They're pretty cheap, exhibit pincushion distortion towards the edges and are very prone to flare... But they work.

Here is another quick snap of my RZ. I got myself another loupe because the metal plate holding the beattie screen is slightly thinner than the original Mamiya screen so I had to modify another one. And I managed to use black tape, which means it finally looks like a camera again. ;)


I briefly owned a P25+ on an H1 last year and it was terrific. I ended up switching to an H3D 22 (same sensor) and again, I love it. For the type of work I purchased them for, I couldn't be happier.

Here's one I just came across from last October testing some Bron equipment before shooting for Hasselblad at Shoot NYC.



Well-known member
Here is another quick snap of my RZ. I got myself another loupe because the metal plate holding the beattie screen is slightly thinner than the original Mamiya screen so I had to modify another one. And I managed to use black tape, which means it finally looks like a camera again. ;)
That is a very well used looking camera....producing amazing results.



New member
Does a p65+ in sensor plus binning mode count as a fat pixel digital back ?
(It takes four small pixels and try's to make a fat one. So its trying to pretend to be a fat pixel digital back )

Anyone any experience with the difference in look between a fat pixel digital back and the p65+ in sensor plus mode ?



Well-known member
I wouldn't be surprised if the P65+ images in "sensor plus mode" looked very good, but I think we have to draw the line re "fat pixel" backs's either a real 9 micron (fat pixel) sensor or it's not. There are plenty of other threads for the big guys to play in....this one is for the little fat guys who all too often, get no respect. ;)


Well-known member
I was just in the studio a few days ago watching the kid play with our view camera with the P25+. It reminded me of one thing I never had to do with the files--apply an unsharp mask.

So, remind me again why having tons of pixels is important?
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Senior Subscriber Member
I wouldn't be surprised if the P65+ images in "sensor plus mode" looked very good, but I think we have to draw the line re "fat pixel" backs's either a real 9 micron (fat pixel) sensor or it's not. There are plenty of other threads for the big guys to play in....this one is for the little fat guys who all too often, get no respect. ;)
It would be very interesting to see the response if someone starts the thread for "MF more than 22 mp". It certainly will not be me :)
I am for one who have never considered anyone to be a "big" or "small guys" by mp.
Danlindberg 's never got a respect?
I just don't get it!
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Well-known member
...who all too often, get no respect. ;)
It was said somewhat in jest folks (hence the "wink" icon).

Obviously, many folks here still appreciate the quality of these fat pixel backs. But as we all know, there is a race to the top re more and more megapixels and it's those 40, 60 and 80 megapixel backs that get most of the press and attention these days.



Subscriber & Workshop Member
It was said somewhat in jest folks (hence the "wink" icon).

Obviously, many folks here still appreciate the quality of these fat pixel backs. But as we all know, there is a race to the top re more and more megapixels and it's those 40, 60 and 80 megapixel backs that get most of the press and attention these days.

Well said Gary. Also the images you'll see from these fat pixel backs also are a great reminder that megapixels don't really matter for most prints (ahem ... can you say D800? :p ) but colour really does.

Now I do have my big gun but I also really really like the images from my pea shooter (I jest) and as noted above, what's unsharp mask? Pre-sharpening? Hey, shooting at f/16 and above without concerns, longer exposure capabilities, etc etc etc.


Senior Subscriber Member
I am glad to hear that there will be no Nikon vs Canon or those kind of things as they are bitter to read.
This thread has a potential to be another long-term thread like "Fun with MF images" or "Tech camera Images" and I've really enjoyed it.


Well-known member
This thread has a potential to be another long-term thread like "Fun with MF images" or "Tech camera Images" and I've really enjoyed it.
I hope so! :thumbs:

I think the key to making this a long-term thread is getting a steady stream of "fat pixel" images here.

I will do my best to get out and shoot more often with my CFV-16II....and post the images here.



Active member
Ok, too many messages without another fat pixel image. Here's one.

Hasselblad CF22, 90mm Schneider Apo-Digitar f/11 with some tilt, Linhof Techno. Shot a lot @ f/11 before I realised I could shoot f/16 with no penalty.

The clouded sky was indeed very deep blue this autumn late day with low red sun, and the digital back captured it well.



Even at this small size this image is very peaceful - I have no doubt at a larger size it would be more enjoyable still.



Subscriber Member
It was said somewhat in jest folks (hence the "wink" icon).

Obviously, many folks here still appreciate the quality of these fat pixel backs. But as we all know, there is a race to the top re more and more megapixels and it's those 40, 60 and 80 megapixel backs that get most of the press and attention these days.

Well said Gary .

As I mentioned in an earlier post , I traded my CFV-16 in , but regret that already many times . Hope to get one again soon . I have two open options.

What I would like to know from the interested shooters :
What cameras and lenses do you use to shoot with your Fat Pixel Back
and why do you like the (results) 9µ backs .


Active member

Even at this small size this image is very peaceful - I have no doubt at a larger size it would be more enjoyable still.

Thanks... uhm, yes I should post larger sizes, the image is coming from my dated private web gallery that generates image sizes that where good back in the days we had 1024x768 screens :)