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Fun with Nikon Images 2021


Well-known member
Thank you very much!

These were captured 2 days after my Z7II and 105mm f2.8 S took a full dive in a river together with me. It still suffered damage with a cost of 650 US$, but kept working well enough to capture these. :) Quite remarkable really.

Glad you survived!, and the Nikon gear, almost, too! Its some solid and really wellfunctioning gear Nikon make!
KR Thorkil


Well-known member
12mm extension tubes have their purpose!

I will not pollute this forum with them, but for macro fanatics as well as straight razor fanatics, just so you know, we straight razor shavers like our 'shave of the day' pictures. The D850 and a macro lens with an extension tube allows me to post to straight razor forums some unusual pictures. An old, NLA (no longer available) Thiers Issard straight, an old Somerset era Simpson brush, and even some old Penhaligon's cologne (NLA given the wretched EU regulations about scents), and unshown is the best shaving soap I own, but I make it myself. A little chemistry knowledge allows much to be made without the restrictions and daftness of regulations. If you can develop film you can make soap!


Well-known member
A nice azalea hidden away in the shadows. I am really liking how much detail was resolved in the red parts of the blossom, they usually get blown out with other cameras...

D850 w/Tamron 90mm [f017] | f4 @ 1/100th ISO800
Neil, I vote Fuchsia