So this came up in another forum, and while anybody can start a thread, nobody seemed to take the initiative, so here it is! I have made it a sticky, so it sits near the top; if it gets enough traction, we can easily create a dedicated "one-topic" PAW forum and move the thread thread there, but my guess it is having it as a sticky here will prove more than adequate since it's really a single topic -- UNLESS Of course you want PAW threads by user -- then we can create a dedicated forum. ANyway, let's see how it goes!!!
* Of course this thread is meant to be IMAGE centric, so any brand and digital or analog is welcome! However, it's always nice to list the gear used so folks know, and in the end, my hope is it will be a thread like this that ends up lessening/mitigating the current levels of brand-centric fan-ism
* Of course this thread is meant to be IMAGE centric, so any brand and digital or analog is welcome! However, it's always nice to list the gear used so folks know, and in the end, my hope is it will be a thread like this that ends up lessening/mitigating the current levels of brand-centric fan-ism